Two Short Fictions

I will always be your lover

Frank and Angela were lying on rough blanket in the room

Where the old photocopiers came to die

There were three of these machines against the far wall

Apart from that the room was bare

On its only shelf there were three bottles of powder half full

And a Spice Girls magazine

This had amused Angela

I will always be your lover

I know 

Even when you are married with children I will be here

Have you ever noticed that when skin touches skin there is an instant feeling 

I am covering you and am relaxed to the point of rest 

Whereas an hour ago I was close to tears and ready to walk 

Frank had received a message from Angel A

He had walked quietly towards to warehouse and had let himself in to the photocopier room

Frank was the only key holder which was never questioned

Do you think that they are missing us

Possibly but as an engineer I am here there and everywhere 

I am not missed 

What about you 

They will think that I am having one of my thinking moments 

I often disappear just to go away and think 

That is the way I function 

But normally I go away to cry 

Everybody wants a piece of me 

I am not longer whole 

I am the brilliant Angel A 

Whose ideas and drive in some ways keep this wretched company afloat 

Frank and Angela had made silent love

Quietly on the rough blanket

Whose sole purpose was to protect the redundant photocopiers

Who is your favourite Spice Girl

I do not really have one

I liked Baby Spice as she seemed the softest and least visible of the group

How do you think the magazine ended up on the shelf

Heaven knows

Somebody must have popped in here long before us for a quick read


Do you realise that if the driver returns to the contractors coach that he will be able to see us both

It is an odd place to park the coach

Perhaps other people use this room

I am the only key holder

It is likely that it is because that we are in the nearest building to the gate

Not so far to walk

He is a rather large man

Most coach drivers are

Do you think that we will ever be discovered

There would be such a scandal

I think that I would leave the company

If they let you Angel A

You are so good for me Frank you are always here when I am shattering

And you are good for me Angela

You ask nothing of me

And I ask nothing of you

I will always be your lover Angel A



I had the most horrible dream last night 

Really was it a nightmare 

I would not call it a nightmare 

It was just a disturbing dream 

I dreamt that I could no longer breathe 

I was alive but I could not breathe 

Describe your dream to me 

It was a simple dream 

Almost minimalist in its content 

I dreamt that I was walking along a coastal promenade 

Which for some reason narrowed alarmingly 

It was however blocked by a large concrete block 

Which was a pure cube 

I asked why it had been placed in such an uncomfortable location 

And was told that it was a relic from the Cold War 

It was then as I pushed against it that I realised that I was not breathing 

I was perfectly well and all my faculties were in working order 

But I was not breathing 

What did you do 

I was starting to panic 

And then 

I awoke from the dream 

That was a relief 


As you know I have had a heavy cold and I have found clear breathing a strain 

But what disturbed me yet at the same time explained my dream

Was that my red pillow was jammed against my wooden bedside table 

That was the Cold War concrete block 

My lack of breath was due to this wretched cold 

In a way the dream had existed inside and outside my consciousness

It was such an unusual feeling