The Woman at the Bus Stop

We have a bus stop in our coastal village

Which is almost covered in undergrowth

But it serves its purpose as an adequate shelter

During the days of rain and cloud

Tell me about the woman at the bus stop Anna

There is not much to tell apart that she lives in the village

With her partner and a dog in the green house by the fork

She catches the ninety-three bus on most days

And returns at about half past five

Are you stalking her as you seem to know a lot

I can see her as the bus stop is opposite our house

But what do you find odd about her

Nothing in particular as she mixes in the village life

She and her partner attend church and help with the fetes

But why is she different from lets say you and me

It is what she does on the beach

Pray tell

Well like most of us she likes the beach

And uses it for recreation when the days are warm

But when the storms and high winds arrive

She can often be found howling into the wind

The woman screams at the clouds

And throws pebbles into the sea savage air

As if she is furious with life

This is the same woman who bakes cakes

For the bring and buy and other events

Why do you think that does it

Is she mad or heading for a breakdown

Neither I think

My view is that she must be able to see things that we cannot see

The abyss you mean

In a way yes but I do think that the elemental forces are in tune with her

She is on the surface civilised like us all

But she is a savage

She has black blood

I was only using this as a loose comparison Anna

She is not destructive

I agree but she can clearly see and feel the forces that we let pass us by

What will become of her

Nothing I hope but she will continue to howl at storms

Like certain people howl as the full moon

Do you think that we will ever go around howling

Probably not as we are quite soft

We can only guess at things

Nature has given us a gentle hand

Can we do anything

There is no need to do anything

She is just to be left alone at times

As we cannot begin to understand what drives her

If we are to do anything then we need to protect her

As what she is seeing and feeling is beyond our thoughts