


As you know I have weakness for tee shirts

One look into your wardrobe proves that

Our wardrobe

I love your flowery dresses but they do not suit me

If you gave them a chance they would

We can exchange wardrobes if you like

So that I might walk around looking like a dyke biker chick

No thank you I like my feminine side

And I like to be a feminine butch

What is the point of this conversation

It is about a tee shirt I saw in Canterbury last summer

Did I not tell you about it

Not that I can recollect

I always remember our tee shirt conversations

Well I was only yards from the cathedral gates when a girl and a boy passed me

They were both wearing black jeans and white tee shirts

I must say I am totally fixated by your tale

Both the tee shirts had a tiny slogan visible

The girl who was rather beautiful

Was with her boyfriend who was equally as beautiful

Handsome men are handsome

Women are beautiful

No Anna this man was beautiful

Quite beautiful in a Mediterranean sort of way

He had the same colouring as his girlfriend

She might have been his sister

I have the same colouring as my brother

You are splitting hairs Anna

What was the slogan that so excited you Anna

I am topless under this shirt 

Most of us are

But her boyfriend

Or brother

But her boyfriend or brother’s slogan amused me greatly

It read

So am I

I followed them for a while

Looking at the faces of people in the street

Men being men looked at the beautiful girl and then read her slogan

Some were surprised some totally ignored the girl and looked elsewhere

But it was when the interested read the other slogan that they smiled

What about the women

For the most part they were amused although a couple gave the pair dirty looks

It was an engaging couple of minutes

What happened

Nothing I went towards the main street and they walked off towards the bus station

Did you see them again



I have a gift for you

What is it

A lilac tee shirt

How thoughtful you are

I have also purchased one for myself

Mine is lime green

There are slogans on both tee shirts

I thought there might be Anna

Would you like me to read them to you

There is no need to as I can guess your intention