The Curriculum Vitae of Amy C Cox

I am so rich that I do not have the desire to work

But my family is threatening to cut off my allowance

Unless I work for some fat sweaty cocksucker

Within a multi-national company in a large city

They want me to make something of myself

And to find a nice man and have a family of three children


This will not happen on my watch as I am better than that

I will not dress smartly to impress important clients

I will not wear blouses that show a hint of cleavage

So that these crude motherfuckers can get wet in their pants

My aim is to join a subversive organisation and to haunt the lives

Of these filthy perverts each day and every day of my free life


I can never accept that I went to a great college

And received a first class degree in philosophy

Just to work myself into a breakdown within two years

My life is worth much more that that you pathetic cunt

The gun that I am holding is real and loaded and will blow you apart

Should I choose to pull this rather ornate and silent trigger


I detest people like you in positions of power and influence

You influence those who should not be influenced or bribed

Money is power and you know that it buys everything

Your very presence sickens me and I do not like feeling sad

All I wanted was to be left alone ideally in a desert or on a lonely beach

I desire nothing apart from seeing your perverse brain shame this bright window





& Gina (1975)