New Poem about Dogs and Junkies


Only dogs will sense the apocalypse

While their drunken masters

Sleep soundly

Let the fat people extend their lives

Untainted by the influence of canine philosophers

Graffiti found in a car park not far from the South Bank complex by the author in January 2018


All dogs are philosophy students

You can see it in their eyes

Graffiti added by the author on a bitterly cold January evening

He awaits additions


A homeless person came up to me as I walked across the car park

Do you have any change mate?

No but I have plenty of notes


I ignored the homeless junkie and wished him a powerful overdose

Would you give me a note if I told you a joke?


My wife bless her soul

Is the dead?

No she fucked off a year or so ago with some flash cunt may he rot in hell

My wife had some cream in our bathroom cupboard

It was cream for the treatment of thrush

Did she have thrush?

I think so as she tasted tangy when I licked her out

I was too tired to fuck you see

Carry on

Well I found this cream which noted that it would if applied properly get rid of thrush


Well I smeared it all over our kitchen window as those little fuckers were shitting on the window on a daily basis

Why not buy a cat?

Too expensive anyway cats do not give a fuck for you

They are the most independent of animals

Well as I said I smeared it all over the window and do you know what the little fuckers still shit all over the windows next day

Perhaps the offenders were not thrushes

They were I would recognise those little fucks anywhere

Is that the joke?


Thrush you see

I get it

Will you pay me?

For a fix


Why do you not mug some of the filthy rich Jews when they return to their cars?

There is not such thing as a rich Jew

I was only using it as a figure of speech as the Jews have been persecuted throughout time

That is not nice

I am part Jewish

That does not excuse you

Yes it does

I bear no malice towards the Jews

That will be £20.00

£20.00 will most probably kill you

No it will not

Well here is £60.00 buy a nice fix

It may be your last

I watched as the homeless vagrant walked nervously away

What would Charles Bronson have done?

Blown the fucker away

This country is seriously short of vigilantes

I pulled up my collar and left the car park

January is a bleak month

It promises so much and delivers little

That is the philosophy of dogs

Dogs are natural philosophers