
The thief Volppian  arrived

In the town on the hill

He was a rich man

But still chose to dispossess

His chosen victims

He did this without malice

And was almost compassionate

In his actions


He rested in the market square

Of the town on the hill

Which although flat

Was entered at different angles

Volppian watched the passers by

And those who rested for coffee

In time he chose his victim

An older couple with a beautiful daughter


He befriended the elderly couple

And purchased a meal

For them to share

But he was troubled by their beautiful daughter

Who was dressed in fashionable clothes

With hair the colour of cornfields

But she shook violently

As if an earthquake had troubled her soul


The elderly man, a Captain Courtois

Told Volppian that she had been such since birth

And her condition was getting worse

For there was no cure

“ She is a delicate flower in a tormented field ”

Her father said feeding her briskly

“ We bring her out once a week so that she may enjoy others ”

His wife added, wiping her chin


As they finished their meal

The elderly couple excused themselves

And asked Volppian to care for their daughter

This was the time of dispossession, he thought

As he surveyed their displayed belongings

He opened his diamond bag, but stopped

As the afflicted girl was staring at him

A tear grazed her eye


The tear loosened and ran down her cheek

And splashed against her golden necklace

Which Volppian had decided to steal

As he moved forward in his task

He noticed a vacancy from where the tear had emerged

It was then that he saw her Imber, her affliction of many years

In an instant he snatched it screaming

And placed it in his diamond bag


The daughter instantly slept

And Volppian guarded her until the couples return

He knew that when she awoke

That she would be normal

For the rest of her life

And would bring joy to all

Under the guise of the doubtful weather, Volppian bade farewell


He continued his journey

And when far from the town

Opened his bag and looked at the Imber inside

Which was spitting and swearing

He passed a bonfire and threw the bag onto the pyre

In an instant the creature escaped

And burning grasped his leg

Causing his clothes to catch fire


From the window of their grand house

The elderly couple gazed at their beautiful daughter

Who was normal and gay once more

But their attention was also drawn

To a strange light in the valley

Which appeared to be a howling fire

And although fierce

Lasted only for a matter of moments






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