Conversations with Sami and Jane

Phillip gave me the Emmanuelle chair

I placed it next to the large window

Which has views to the sea

For a while each morning I sit in this chair

And watch the sun rise above the horizon

It is always different no matter the season

I often photograph the event and send it to friends

So that they might wake up to beauty as not all live near the sea

Hilly lives in Maida Vale which is pleasant in its own right

And she always sends me a photographs of her leafy street

Others do so but are not as prolific

Only Hilly sends them by return

Tell me Sami what are your feelings when you witness the sunrises


A sense of God and love and beauty

They sometimes make me cry


Yes sometimes the beauty is so great that I cannot control my emotions

What was the sunrise like this morning

It was so bright that I could not look at it for long

The sun was a burning yellow as soon as it rose above the sea

It was almost white in its brilliance

I felt naked even though I had dressed

Do you have any favourites

Yes and no

I tend to love all the sunrises I see

As they are all gifts from God

But I must say that I feel the happiest when I see a blush sunrise

A blush sunrise


In a way they are hard to describe

Possibly only the Japanese artists can capture them

Unlike other sunrises they haunt you with their soft colours

The hues are almost indescribable pinks greens golds reds blues and many other colours

Each colour is there

The sky is at once lit up and even the most ordinary things becomes beautiful

There is a road sign over there to my right

An ordinary road sign

But this becomes a totem full of mysteries unexplored

The trees hum with exotic multi coloured birds

Fireflies drift above the long grasses

That is why if I have a favourite

The blush sunrises please me most