Pierre of the Ambiguities

I was asked to submit three photographs

In view of this I submitted four



I also submitted two other photographs

Of a black and white latrine

They were all rejected

Which did not surprise me

As I had been born in the Hebrides

Which when broken down

Reads He-Brides

This I find rather disturbing

As I am not ambiguous

Far from it as I like girls wearing

Aran sweaters and faded jeans

Who wait at railway stations

For trains that have been cancelled

They interest me they interest me a great deal

So much that I have changed the isle of my birth

I was born on Fair Isle in 1976

My father exported sweaters to the mainland

This made him wealthy and he moved to LA

Where he now owns a surfing shop in Venice

His name was Owen but I called him Dad

My mothers name was Sue but I called her Mum

People can be very traditional on these islands