The Dreadful Messengers of the Kalahari

Wisdom lead me through the verdant paths

Past the barns and the ancient warehouses

To the redundant church where my ancestors lay

In their blissful tombs lit by subterranean lights

He said that I should sing on the makeshift stage

Which was impossible because I had no earthly voice

So the assembled would only hear

The silence of my melodies

There were only two exits to this ancient church

The southern clouds which promised rain

I had a sudden desire to see a holy man

Or be an iron bar covered with rust

Cross legged he floats like bird on wing

And then it was time to leave and sail away

From this unsubstantial river church

Where acts of worship ceased many years ago

I will lead a moral life or so I am told

Fine medicines will be constant companions

As the lotus flowers will remain unsaturated