Fin de l’hiver Début de l’été

Alicia Poems


Alicia and the Gas Pumps

Alicia is standing by the gas pumps

Awaiting the first customer of the day

But no-one stops

She considers this odd

Alicia is the only strawberry blond

In this the county of the cornfields


Alicia in the Cornfields

In a fit of pique

Alicia bleached and cropped her wonderful hair

She then disappeared into the cornfields

And could not be found


Alicia and her Summer Dress  

Alicia is standing by the gas pumps

In her finest summer dress

But no-one stops

She considers this odd

As June is the warmest month

In this the county of the cornfields


Alicia’s Gaze

As winter sank slowly into a gentle spring

Alicia trapped early butterflies in her homing jar

She used the colourful dusts

From their tender young wings

To highlight the sorrow of her gaze


Oh Superman

Tired after swimming with the detritus of mankind

Polly Polly who sat in her Folly was sitting on grassy bank that overlooked the thin spring sin stream

Her friend Gabriel was standing in the waters which reached up to her narrow waist

I towel myself by the edge of this pool

But I am contaminated

I consider this as I look towards the mountains  

Gabriel was sitting on grassy bank that overlooked the thin spring sin stream

Her friend Polly Polly who sat in her Folly was standing in the waters which reached up to her narrow waist

He will return

I realise that he prizes his solitude above all things

But he will return

Oh Superman