I Once Found Myself on Bewdley Railway Station

I once found myself on Bewdley Railway Station

Waiting for a steam train

How I had got there was a mystery to me

The last thing I can remember was being at church fete

Dressed as Joan Jett and buying ceramics from a Destroy China Stall

Indeed on the seat next to me was a Wade whiskey barrel and an Edwardian rose


Were you on drugs Anna

No as you know I have never taken drugs

Funny fags


Too much booze


Were you fucking anyone

Not that I can remember



Fuck off I am in Lima

What are you doing there

Waiting for the 76 bus what do you think


I am offline Anna

Just chat to Jasmine Tea

I find her hard to find

Just listen for her couplets in the trees
Then make music with the birds and bees

How long will you be away

Till September or maybe longer



Will you clear up the Bewdley Railway Station  mystery for Anna

For what reason

Because it is worrying her

She was fucking Lima


Outlaw where the fuck are you



Who are shouting at Anna



I was asking about you and the railway station

What did he say

He said you were fucking Lima

Who is Lima

I do not have a clue

He said that was the reason you were at the station

I was naked but dressed as Joan Jett Anna


Were you dreaming Anna


I was wide awake

Were you naked Anna


I was naked but dressed as Joan Jett Anna


This conversation is going nowhere Anna

I am telling the truth

Did nobody come up to you


Yes what

Yes a cop came up to me as he thought I was a time traveller like Viola

What did he ask

He asked me for my name

Did you tell him


What he do

He arrested me

For what reason

Because of my name

Anna what is wrong with Anna


So why did he arrest you

Because of my name



What is today’s date

The 25th of June 2022

Where do we live

By the sea

But where by the sea


Where is Outlaw

In Peru

Who is living in his house

Jasmine Tea

What is so unusual about Jasmine Tea

She is both deaf and dumb

And has the writing skills of a child

There is something else odd about her

Does she come from Peru

That is not my question Anna

I told the cop that my name was Fucking Lima

Fucking Lima was my birth name

You never told me that

I was told not to

By whom

Joan Jett Anna


Anna have you taken something seriously have you taken anything

I stole some butter from the local grocers a couple of years ago

We do not have a grocers shop in Kingsdown as well you know



I know what you are going to ask

Should Joan Jett


Share our bed or sleep in the spare room

What can you not see that I am weeping

Yes but weeping is only a useful word to describe an emotion amongst other things



I have the answer for you


Jasmine Tea is neither deaf nor dumb and has admirable writing skills

Jasmine Tea is Outlaw’s identical twin and only speaks in couplets