The Small Histories of my Residence

I own a sea facing cottage on an unmade road

It is about one hundred years old

And was built as a summer retreat of a London solicitor

It is said that he brought his mistresses here

And there are written accounts of them swimming naked in the sea

In 1968 when clearing out a cupboard my father found some pornographic photographs

Some of which hang in my study and the guest rooms and cause great amusement

My grandfather purchased this cottage in 1938 but rarely used it because of the war

He gave it to my father in 1960 and my father in turn gave it to me in 1985

I have owned it with Jane ever since and we use it as a permanent home

Many people tell us how lucky we are to live in such as lovely area

And I agree with them but note that winters are not as idyllic

As we are often battered by gale force winds and are exposed to the full fury of the sea

Eight years ago whilst walking nearby I found the body of a yachtsman who had fallen from his boat

This upset me greatly and for many years I did not really feel settled here

But I prayed to God for guidance and slowing he granted me release

Although I still keep in touch with the poor mans family who I count as friends

The cottage has three bedrooms and a box room which Jane treats as her space

I use one of the sea facing bedrooms as my study as I write poetry and minor fictions

We sometimes alter these arrangements when we have guests and I also have a large shed in the garden

Which I have converted into a summer house and this doubles in emergency as rustic quarters

Whilst highly organised we are also very flexible in all our arrangements as it is better not to be rigid

About two weeks ago I purchased a metal table and chairs which I have painted light blue

I have placed these on the hinterland of the beach overlooking the ever changing tide lines

These replaced the previous table and chairs which were becoming more fragile by the year

I have given these to the two Anna’s who are planning to create a beach sculpture

Both Jane and I are very happy here and on the long summer days wonder if we  have found paradise

But we know that paradise is a state of mind and nothing else and that others vary

Occasionally we are asked by passers by whether they might photograph our cottage

I do not have a problem with this as I only own the physical and the visual is for all to share


Stanley & Jane 
August 2022