The Cricket Matches of August

It has been ten years since I visited this cricket ground
Nothing much has changed apart from the clubhouse
Which has enjoyed a lick of paint and now looks quite splendid
Although I do not drink I was given a local ale on my arrival
As I am well remembered in these parts as I once hit thirty-six
Off six balls in a cricket match played during a summer storm
My club tie is still displayed in the bar next to a faded photograph
I am sitting on the boundary near the railway line under an oak tree
But I can only hear the trains pass by as my view is obscured by the high grasses
Which have grown here since the bombing in August 1942 which destroyed the equipment sheds
Local legends note that a German pilot was trying to bomb the railway line but missed
And blew the sheds the mowers and a few unlucky benches into the next county instead
Cricket balls are often lost here due to the inaccessibility of this neglected area
And are noted in the score book as Ball Lost due to Enemy Action