Feminin Feminin



When you walked into town this morning did you see an American flag next to one of the beach side properties


Do you think that Americans own the property

I would imagine so

It reminded me a little of Cape Cod

You have never been to Cape Cod

I have been there many times


Before I met you

Bully for you

I like Cape Cod

It is very WASP or so I am told

Maybe although I think the money is more mixed these days

A great number of the properties fly flags

It is quite normal to do so

But here in the UK it is less common

Do you think that we should fly a flag outside of this house



Because I think that it would irritate me flapping in the wind

Besides I like our views of the sea to be unobstructed

Do you think that the American flag inhibits their view

I have never really thought about it

Anna this is a non conversation shall we cease chatting

If that is what you would like

That is what I would like

Have I upset you


I feel that I have upset you

I assure you you have not

Anyway I have now learnt that you know Cape Cod well and parts of it bear a resemblance to this part of the world

Anna do you fancy a walk


It is such a pure evening