Hot Soup and Free Transport in Luxembourg

Did you say something Anna

Yes but it does not matter

The screech of the Herring Gulls blinded me


I found an interesting pebble yesterday

What was interesting about it

It was illustrated

An image

No just words

What were these words


Hot Soup

Free Transport

In Luxembourg


That is an odd combination

My thoughts entirely

Why do you think these words were added

I do not have a clue

Normally it is something like Mike’s Stone or Linda loves Darren


Basically these are two non abstract observations


Well soup is normally served hot and I believe that public transport has been free to the public in Luxembourg since 2020


So the message might be that the artist had enjoyed hot soup on lets say a train in Luxembourg

Possibly but it was rather random and like me saying


I like jelly fish only in the summer and was once stung by one


Have you found any interesting pebbles Anna

I found a pebble with the word cunt painted carefully on it

The font used was rather interesting

I call it my cunt stone and keep it in my study


Why do you think that somebody took the trouble to write the word cunt on a pebble in an unusual font

Art Anna it is a form of art all illustrations on pebbles are a form of art

There are a number to be found on the beaches around here


Some are just painted brightly whereas others are illustrated sometimes quite carefully with things like flowers or might just contain


Such as

Dane loves Jane


I collect them unless they are there for a personal reason


In memory of a person deceased

A love stone I tend to leave those alone

I just keep the rest in a wooden crate

Is this your hobby

Not it is just a pastime

I do not take it seriously


Going away from illustrated pebbles

I am currently studying the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard

That was the chap who discussed architecture and space amongst other things

Yes I find his work interesting


But it was not his work that amused me the other day

But how the French had celebrated the house of his birth

A blue plaque

No it was better than that

Pray tell I am all ears


Well they had painted the wall of the said house pale pink



Gaston Bachelard 


1884 – 1962


There is also a white stencilled image of the philosopher next to the detail

I really like its minimalism


I could not really seeing this catching on in the UK

I agree maybe vacant footballers or pop stars but not philosophers

It is intensely French and that is why I adore our cousins over there


Do you think that the French paint pebbles

I am not sure I cannot say that I have seen any

I expect they do with quotes from Sartre Camus and the like


Anna with reference to your question

That you asked late in our last fiction

My answer is yes