
Darling Anna

In advance please forgive me for the shortness of this mail as I am expecting the doctor at any time

What you might not know was that two Moroccans were killed in the car crash that injured my father

Daddy says that they were on the wrong side of the road when they collided head on

But the officials here have to make sure that no stone is left without it being fully studied

It is most irritating as Daddy was not driving dangerously and had not been drinking (you and I know that he does not drink)

I hate to say this but I do think that because he is English they are treating him as guilty before deciding he is innocent

This is so fucking irritating and I am in touch with the British Embassy in Rabat

Daddy is fragile enough without all this shit

Mummy is coming out on Tuesday along with Gerry and Pat so I will have a little bit more time free

My father has broken both legs and has cracked a cheekbone along with the cuts and bruises

I have spoken to Dr Phillips in the UK and he says that Daddy although not seriously injured will not be able to return for at least a week

Mummy has her finger on the button there and there is a place awaiting him at the Bedford

But enough of this misery

Your comments about Penelope made my laugh (and boy I do need a laugh out here)

She does seem a little strange and I agree with you that this might be Outlaw’s doing

Do not worry about the bath girls bathe together you and I bathe together

I do not own you and the opposite is true so it is not about trust at all

If she is as beautiful as you say then just enjoy her beauty as there is so much ugliness in the world

Perhaps she is a fish out of water and that is why she is acting strangely

I do think that the note is a fiction or just a sick Outlaw joke

Closing now as the doctor has just pulled up outside


Be safe my gentle love and yes I slept with your mail under my scented pillow


We will be together very soon


Please chat to me as often as you can


I am missing Kingsdown more than you can imagine


Your Anna (sweat and all) xxx


ps – I promise you that I will teach you more about spacing my silly girl