Burn After Reading

Dearest Dearest Anna

If only our lives were as exciting as that

But I can never see little Kingsdown becoming a bolt hole for hit men and women even if they are as beautiful as Penelope

You write such good fictions so much better than me

I have some good news and some bad news

The good news actually followed some bad news

The initial bad news was that although the UK doctor said that Daddy would be able to fly back in about a week the Moroccan authorities were not playing ball and told me that he would have to stay in Tangier until their investigations were complete which could take anything up to two weeks

No matter how I argued with them I got nowhere and I could not help but think there was a hidden agenda

I have to confess that I did see Tangier or at least the bars of Tangier as I toured them and got stonking drunk which is not a good idea in this heat

And then Hey Presto everything changed

Phil Stephens from the embassy rang me (hangover me) and said that everything had been sorted and that Daddy could fly home as soon as he was able to

A private plane (ambulance plane) was waiting for him to take him back to London and then to the Bedford

It seems that the poor lads who died were seen driving carelessly in parts of Tangier beforehand so 2×2 = 5

I was so so happy as although I had become slightly attached to Tangier it felt good to be moving at last

This said I could not but feel that strings had been pulled or at least palms greased as it happened so quickly

Mummy and the others arrived yesterday and Daddy as long as he progresses as well as he is doing will fly back next Thursday

And now here is my surprise for you my divine girl


I should be in Kent by about ten so wait up for me

It is so fucking hot here that I will need a bath so would you and Penelope make room for me

That is if she is not out killing one of the bad guys

Mummy has taken over the running of everything and is acting like a colonial wife and she almost ordered me to leave

I do hope that she does not fuck off the locals too much

So here I am in my favourite (sweat stained) yellow dress at the airport

I have been reading a book by Camus (in French) and catching up with all the English newspapers

The strange thing is (and this must be the mathematics of coincidence) that both the Guardian and the Times have carried a story of the deaths of a number of underworld figures both in the UK and Spain

It seems that unless they are killing each other that a serial killer of bad men is on the loose

It is so so like your fiction Anna

I will be interested to meet Penelope and would you get either Jasmine or Lima to tell her that she is welcome to stay at The Green House and does not have to move because of me

Closing I have always thought that I bullied you a little as I am slightly jealous of your intellect and your creativity

It has taken a dreadful thing like this to bring me to my senses Darling Anna and I am so sorry if I have been a bitch to you and have been cruel when Outlaw has fucked me off

You should order a hit on me as I am sure that Penelope will oblige

Perhaps I should be drowned in a perfumed bath full of rose petals

Only two hours to go before my flight so I will sign my last email off with a big X

Let the others know what is happening and Outlaw if he is interested at all

Would you wear your favourite blouse for my return

You know the gossamer one that shows a hint of your nipples

I cannot say that there are many gossamer blouses in show at the airport at present which although air conditioned is full of sweaty people some rather badly dressed for the heat

I will be with you on a matter of hours my love


I am always yours Anna as you are mine


Anna x


ps – a favour there seems to be an awful lot of dosh in our joint so would you give the bank a tinkle as it looks a little odd it appears that someone has fucked up