Happy Birthday Outlaw (2)

What do you think is happening Anna

How the fuck should I know

Do you think we are safe

This is a safe room

I know but I wish we had a periscope

You get periscopes on submarines not houses



May we have a periscope attached to this safe room


So we know when is safe to come out

I will tell you when it is safe to come out

Request denied


What is that Anna

A fucking periscope what do you think it is

Did you add it to the fiction

Of course

Outlaw will not like it

Fuck Outlaw

Can you see anything

No not at present

Can you see Penelope


The bad guys


The sea can you see the sea

Be quiet Anna I can see movement

It is Jasmine Tea

What is she doing

Walking towards the sea

Wait a guy with a gun is hiding behind The Sentinel

Do you think he knows who she is

No she appears to be just a local ready for a swim

And she has walked into such danger

What is the man doing

Watching Jasmine undress



The bad man has just been shot by Penelope

Is he dead

He is not moving

Is Tea Bag okay

She is swimming

Has she been hurt

Not as far as I can see

Where is Penelope

Out of sight




There is a chap in the safe room


Over there and he has a gun

I thought this was a safe room




He is telling us to sit down and put our hands behind our heads

Then do so

Is he going to kill us


I do not want to die

Neither do I


Anna what happened

Rachel has killed him

Who is Rachel

I do not have a clue

She has just appeared in this fiction

Who is writing this fiction


How do you know it was Rachel

It stands to reason that it was Rachel


Because we would have been full of holes if it was not Rachel

Where is Rachel

She has vanished


Anna I feel like The Green House and  The Sentinel have been spoilt for me by all this killing


Well that chap was killed in front of us in the safe room well his brains were splattered on the wall

And that other bad guy is dead against The Sentinel

It is just horrible


Anna come here and let me give you a hug


Anna sometimes I could just eat you

You can be so innocent

In what way

As you know you have a brain to die for but like a large number of really intelligent people you can be quite innocent of the world

If you think about it no safe room ever existed

The bad guys were not shot dead

Yes they were I saw them die

Wrong you thought you saw them die

Penelope is in her bedroom taking an afternoon nap and you and I have been sitting in the lounge together chatting

Then what did I see

You basically saw whatever I had created in this fiction

What about Rachel

Rachel never existed

I am Rachel

Did you write this fiction Anna

What do you think