Why Do Philosophers Die

Anna why have erected the blackboard in your room again

Because I am trying to answer a question

What is that question

Why do philosophers die

I would imagine for the same reason that we all do

Their life force is spent

We both believe in God yes


Our beliefs differ slightly as you are more traditional

Whereas my beliefs are more pantheist in structure


Anna apart from the obvious answer why do philosophers die

What is God’s logic

Are you saying that God is logical

Does he understand logic

God created logic

Then why do philosophers die

It seems totally illogical for their minds to die

And that I believe can be applied to all people with outstanding talents

But I am thinking only of philosophers at present

Imagine if philosophers were immortal

Well Plato might see a few changes

Have you seen the price of cheese in the supermarkets

Be serious Anna

I am


Would you like to see my blackboard

Yes I would like to exchange sitting by the sea for a look at your curious blackboard


What are you doing

Looking at chance


How did Camus die

In a car crash

How did his father die

In a car crash

No his father died in the First World War

What is the common factor

That they both died violently


But there is a strict difference between their deaths

Do you know what that is

Not really apart from the obvious

That being

That Albert’s dad died during a war whereas Albert died during a peaceful period

There is another difference

I am all ears Anna

Well Albert’s dad went to war clear in the knowledge that there was a good possibility that he was going to die

Whereas Albert when he accepted the lift was not expecting to die

We do not get into a cars expecting to die

There is an  awareness that if the car is involved in an accident we might die

But then again if one fell down a manhole then there is a possibility that we might receive fatal injuries

But we do not avoid manholes or cars as the possibility is so slight

Are we looking at the mathematics of coincidence Anna

Very much

Both Albert’s dad and Albert died violently

That is the coincidence

Albert’s dad was aware of the possibilities of death as wars are by their very nature violent

But if Albert’s dad had survived the war as had been around when Albert accepted the lift do you think he would have stopped him



Because car travel is an extremely safe method of travelling

It was logical to think that Albert would arrive safely

That is a quite logical thought but is it a logical thought

Albert’s dad has no foundation for this logic apart from the knowledge that most trips by car end safely

In a way it was an abstract assumption as he has no proof that the trip would end safely

That is what the boxes are at the top of my blackboard

There was something else about Albert’s death that might have spooked his father

That being

That Albert had intended to travel by train and had already purchased a ticket

Albert by changing his plans had without knowing had changed his own history

He was responsible for his own actions and it is likely that if he caught the train he would have not died

Camus would have lived his full life and no doubt have written many more books

We will never know

But where does his father come into this

Well lets say Anna that you were at an airport travelling to New York to meet a friend and then the friend contacts you to say that she because of circumstances out of her control (family illness or something) she would be a couple of days  late

Would you


1/ Travel on the same plane that you intended to fly on

2/ Book on a later plane so that you did not have to hang around in New York

3/ Cancel the whole trip


I would probably choose the second one


Because I do not like hanging around

I like to be in charge

This would be a change in plan

I had not allowed for this

What would you choose



Because I would feel nervous about changing my plans

Surely that is because you do not like flying and know that planes sometimes crash


As a little aside although I am not as nervous as you about flying

I always feel safer when flying over the sea


Because I am a good swimmer

Logic tells me that if my plane crashes from 37000 feet into the sea that whether I am a good swimmer or not is of little importance

But I ignore this logic and because of that feel calmer when flying over the sea

All I cling on to is the fact that I am a strong swimmer


What should Albert’s dad have done

I would like to say that he should have asked him to stick to his original plan

But Albert’s dad had been dead for over forty years

So as he was not there Albert was responsible for his own actions

He had a railway ticket but made a fatal choice


I feel that we are going around in circles Anna

Is is question after question after question

If you ask too many questions

There will be no room for the answers

There is always room Anna


What was the original question

Why do philosophers die

Then what do you think the answer is

I do not have an answer

Then why ask the question

Because as you see from the final line on the blackboard I had made a mistake

That being

I questioned God’s logic about letting philosophers die

I stated that God invented logic

How would I know that

Am I greater than God

Outlaw seems to think he is

That is Outlaw

I am not greater than God

Did you think you were


But I stated that God invented logic

Which was plainly wrong and that is what I was working out on this blackboard

Philosophers die for various reason

That is an easy answer

I might have just been saying why do tramps die or why do grasshoppers die


Does he understand logic

Is God a he

Does God understand logic

I have no idea


Anna we have a lovely table and chairs just yards from the sea

Why do we not retire and watch the sun slowly set with a mug of hot chocolate

Yes lets do that


Is Penelope in


That is logical as she cannot work from home