Slow Motion

Why are you crying Anna

Is it the Queen


Can I help

Not really

Then I will leave you alone

Please stay

It is silly

What is silly

I am crying over someone I have never met

Jean-Luc Godard is dead

How awful I know how much he meant to you

I studied his films at college

If anybody does I knew his movies

And because of that I felt that I knew him

I am so angry so fucking angry

All my heroes are dying around me

First Brando then Marie Laforet and now Godard

I am now a girl without heroes

And I want revenge on those I despise

I want to take one of Penelope’s weapons

And blast the cunts I hate into the next world

I am so angry so fucking angry

Have you chatted to Outlaw as he is writing this shit

What does he know

Ask him if he has any heroes

I have

What did he say

He said his hero was the chap in the bathroom mirror in the morning

That’s typical of him

Have you any heroes Anna

I have one

Just one

Yes one

Pray tell

It is Jesus Christ as I know that I will never lose him

You may have a point Anna

I am just a stupid bitch

Such a stupid bitch

Do you still pray Anna

Sometimes when I am scared

What about you

Every night



What do you pray for

The usual things

It was more about my Daddy recently

And my prayers are being slowly answered

He is walking slowly now

Baby steps

Yes baby steps

In some ways you make me laugh Anna

Thank you for sharing that

Sorry I did not mean it that way

I am so sorry Anna I am so clumsy but you confuse me sometimes

You are so tender and generous and loving but you are so angry

I feel that you are colder than Penelope

It would not take much for you hurt someone badly

I am aware of that

Do you want to know something that I have never shared with anybody

Not even Outlaw

Fuck Outlaw

It happened over ten years ago when I was arrested at a demo

What did you do

I punched a policewoman on the nose


Because she hurt me

Were you prosecuted

Very much

What happened

I was asked why I did it

What did you say

I said that I punched her because she not beautiful

If I was to be arrested I wanted to be arrested by a beautiful policewoman

I bet that went down well

It did

What did they do

They kept me in the slammer for hours on end

I was on at the time and the cop supervising the cells kept watching me

What a cunt

Did you report him



I just left my bloody rags on the floor of the cell

He told me to pick them up and you can guess what I told him to do

It was only later when I was being interviewed by a human policewoman that I realised that I was being profiled


She was writing carelessly on a pad and did not realise that I could read upside down

What did she write

The usual shit

But then I saw something that interested me and I challenged her

What did she write

That I had psychopathic tendencies


Did you rip her apart

No I agreed with her

Really why

Because I had realised from my youngest days that I had a temper

When I got into fights at school I wanted to rip my enemy apart

I wanted to kill them

There was a fat girl called Alice Munro who was jealous of my beauty so she bullied me until one day I slammed a brick into her face and kicked her down a set of stairs

What happened to you

They made me a head girl


The cops were called

I was expelled from the school

And then


Daddy pulled a few strings and made me apologise to the fat bitch

Did you


Did you like doing it

Very much


Because I wore my prettiest dress and made myself look so beautiful

I was really stunning

When she came to the door with her nose in plaster I almost laughed

She was so gross and ugly and I was so beautiful

So fucking beautiful

Did you apologise

Through gritted teeth yes

Was that the end of the problem

More or less

So it did not end there

Were you prosecuted

No I was too young

I was warned by the cops

Did you look pretty

No Daddy said that I should be plainly dressed

And it worked

But that was not the end of it as I felt violated

Anna what did you do

I waited three months or so and then made my move

What did you do

I shit in their flower beds or rather I shit into their wonderful flowerbeds

Why the flowerbeds

Because her father loved his garden

Were you caught

No I was suspected but I had told mummy that I had a guts ache and went to bed that evening

I waited to the coast was clear and made my move

My alibi was watertight and it was soon blamed on the local pikeys


Anna what happened to you when you punched the policewoman

Not much even though I expected to go to prison

It turned out that the local television station had been filming the demo and it was evident that the cops were using rough house tactics

Were you filmed

No but my brief made mincemeat of the prosecution as they could not provide any evidence to prove it was actually me who broke the cows nose

Even though you mentioned it at the cop shop

I said I was joking and tried to come across as a shallow upper class bitch

Which although undesirable is not a crime

The case did not even make it out of the magistrates court

It seemed someone had pulled strings once more

You father

Right first time

Do you think that you have psychopathic tendencies Anna


I have not really thought about it

I have anger issues yes but whether the former is true is open to debate

Do you know something I feel better after chatting to you

I feel less angry

I still feel sad but I have rested my ghosts



And then you can tell me one of your fun facts


The French word Deux can have two meanings in English

Those being

Obviously two

But it can also mean of them 


Anna is Penelope in


Why do you ask

Because a dictator has been assassinated somewhere

Do you think that she is involved


One day she will bite off more than she can chew


Anna it seems that the assassin was shot dead by the security forces

They say it was a woman