Number 23

What are you doing Anna

Replying to your question

Are you writing again


What are you writing about


No I will leave that to you

My fiction is about freedom and the erosion of freedoms


Anna are you worried about Penelope


Here bed has not been slept in

I know

Do you think that she was the assassin

I hope not

Outlaw is very quiet

He is almost grieving

I have been watching television and they have shown the moment of the actual assassination

The assassin was rather slight like Penelope but she had black hair unlike Penelope

She might have been wearing a wig

That is a possibility

I do hope she is okay

Why could she not work in the local shop or be a super model is not a job for a girl


The fascists had been in power for twenty-three months and if anything the oppression was getting worse

Rebels were being executed in public and their remains were left to rot as a warning to others

Friends betrayed friends brothers brothers fathers sons


I was a rebel an ordinary rebel I kept the party line and was anonymous but not so that it would be noted

My pathetic job was to sell the party newspaper in the streets and to report back if I saw suspicious things

I did file reports but they were so petty that they were soon ignored and I was treated as such

But in reality I was leading a double existence as I was fronting Number 23 which was a fragmented group

Of four hundred and ninety-six members in cells of no more than six I was number twenty-eight

Our aim was to ensure that the fascists would fail by ensuring that their communications were


Is that all


It is a bit like 1984

I agree

It has been done before

I know

So what is your angle

I do not have an angle

You must have an angle

Angles do not exists in my fictions


If I was writing your fiction my angle would be

That all the rebels owned toy shops and were time travellers like Viola

Angles are just the perversions of straight lines

Straight lines are to be admired

Time does not possess angles

Time exists that is all

Then we would all live in flat houses

There are plenty of angles here in The Green House

As well as flat circles you are going to tell me


Anna what is the title of the book that you are reading


That is Spanish for Hell

Do you read Spanish


Then why are you reading a Spanish language book

Because I can speak Spanish

You never told me that

Why not

Because Anna you never asked me

It is like if you asked me whether I could make a Lemon Cake

I would say yes but I would not tell you that I can make Strawberry Cakes as well

Anna you are splitting hairs

No I am not

If you asked me what cakes could I make then I would have included Strawberry Cakes as well as others

But you if your question was singular and its subject was about Lemon Cakes then my answer would be precise


You seem preoccupied by the book

I am


Because it is incredibly haunting and horrific at the same time

That sounds like something Outlaw would read

It is too raw even for Outlaw

But it is incredibly beautiful

It is set in Argentina in the 1970s and is about a fisherman named Antonio and a girl named Doris

That is not a very Spanish name


I suppose that my initial reaction is false as I am sure if I went to Argentina then I would find girls called Doris

What is the Spanish for Doris


May I continue

I am yours

Doris and her mother who is also named Doris run a shop in a coastal town that sells buttons and nothing else

It is called La Tienda de Botones

Antonia is deeply in love with Doris as she is the most beautiful girl that he has ever seen

She has raven hair and raven eyes and an almost shimmering olive skin

Rather like The Dark Lady of the Sonnets

In a way yes

But she does not return his love as she is aware of her own beauty

Antonia is aware of this so loves here from afar

But he has a guilty secret as he watches her swim naked in the sea after church on Sundays

She swims from a beach that is covered by the tide from Monday to Saturdays

This carries on a a couple of years until one day he is delayed

When he reaches the beach Doris is nowhere to be seen

This distresses him as he feels like something tragic has happened

Which it has as in the hour before his arrival

Doris had drowned after being caught in a rip

He soon finds her pristine body on the white sands

How sad

But instead of alerting the authorities he fucks her

He fucks the corpse


That is a bit gross

Hell is the title of the story

You are not going to tell me that Antonio was into fucking dead girls

Well yes and no

But his motives are very pure and this what makes the book so haunting

He reasons that if he impregnates Doris then their child will be born in Heaven and that she will not be alone for eternity

It is his final gift to her

This is getting weird Anna

Does it get even more strange

Not really if anything it becomes quite realistic

In what way

Antonio is discovered by the priest just after he has fucked Doris’s corpse

Obviously the priest takes a dim view of this and alerts the local cops who it turn refer it to the military

Antonio is badly beaten and is sentenced to be shot for his crime

On the day before his execution an angel visits Antonio’s final cell and offers him poison so that he might be spared the firing squad

Not much of a choice is it

It is his only choice

Even if he does not make a choice then he has made a choice

What happens

Antonio takes the poison

And then



He finds himself in a void

Is that the Hell of the title


Why you are slowly leaving me Anna

Because Antonio begins to think of Doris and his child

That is God’s gift to him

He thinks of a beautiful field on a beautiful day

Doris and his son who she has named Antonio

Are sitting under a shady tree

Anna are you saying it is rather like an invisible painting where you reveal as much as I you want to

Yes although this invisible painting is infinite it exists in Antonio’s head

That is how Heaven works


Who wrote this amazing story

I did



You should get it published

It is published

Here in the UK

I do not think that there is a large market for these stories in the UK


You are a natural Anna

Where do you find these stories

If I knew that I would not write them


Anna is that your phone ringing

Where is it

Behind the cushion


It was Outlaw

We need to be at an address in Ramsgate within the hour

It is Penelope

Is she okay

She has been shot

Is it serious

Not really but she will have to keep a low profile

Hence Ramsgate

There are people after her

She is in deep shit this time

A fascist leader is full of holes

They are rather fucked off with her

What about the body

The girl with the dark hair

That was Doris


Yes Doris

I will be outside in two minutes

Meet me there Anna


Anna why we driving towards Dover

Because we being tailed

But Outlaw said that we should be in Ramsgate within the hour

I know




Who is Saul Green