Street Photographer

This is interesting Jane 

What is 

This article in the newspaper 

Read it to me 

It is about an art installation in NYC 

I am all ears 

The French artist David Grieg has installed a section of sidewalk constructed totally of toughened mirrored glass in front of THE ACID GALLERY IN NEWYORK


Initially there were fears that this mirrored glass would compromise the modesty of passing women and attract perverts and other low lives 

But the opposite is true and the instillation has proved to be very popular  

The artist notes that the whole reason that the mirrors have been installed it to enable people to look at the sky and  to see others from a totally different angle 

Wow could you imagine that in London 

No it would attract every weirdo for miles 

I agree there are enough perverts and weirdos in London

Some people would not be able to deal with it

I blame the mothers 

What do you mean 

Anybody offending would likely to be male 

I agree 

The mothers are unconsciously to blame as for a period after birth babies are the centre of their mothers love and affection but then as they mature they are rejected this is a natural process 

This can affect the males

What about the females 

I thought that you would ask that Stan 

I cannot really say more than there is something in the female DNA that lets this happen without consequences 

It might be that they will be future mothers themselves but ask Freud and not me as I do not really have an answer 

But it quite clear that for some males this accidental rejection is by far the biggest event of their young lives 

So all boys are mother hating misogynists

No this only happens to a very small percentage of these children as most deal with it as they mature rather like trains passing 

But sadly there are those who cannot deal with it and because of this they both hate women and worship them at the same time 

This manifests itself in many ways and often they become narcissistic like peacocks 

I did not realise peacocks were narcissistic

Take me seriously Stan 

Some actually reject women totally whilst others want to dominate women without argument

There are others who identify as women and when rejected or mocked by women throw horrific tantrums like a spoilt child 

As they do not and will never be a woman

I feel that it is a form of mental illness that is accepted by society for the fear of offence 

This said I have various theories on this and other related subjects which sometimes can cause heated arguments 

You must think it is a rather sad thing Stan 

God must have a sense of humour 


We have strayed from an art installation in New York to your theories Jane

University was my undoing and my salvation 


Well before I went to university I had thousands of set ideas and these were shot to shit at university and really I have not reassembled them since 

That is what makes them so interesting 

You mentioned salvation 


You were my my salvation Stan 

You were appointed the captain of my drifting ship 

Without you I would have drifted aimlessly on the seven seas 

That is so nice of you to say that 

Do not get carried away Stanley William as you are a grade one piece of shit but are a caring piece of shit 

And you are my Katherina 

I am a poet otherwise I would not have written this piece of drivel 


Have you read it 

No and I do not intend to do so 

Jane why are you topless 

Were are on the beach I believe 

Yes but we are in the last week of October 

The sun is still unusually warm at present and as you know I like the feeling of it on my bare skin 

Nobody else is topless 

Nobody else on on the beach 

Are you saying that I should only use the beach between May and September 


Then pipe down you are beginning to sound like a religious zealot 

I am sorry Jane but it all black and white with me 

May to September Summer 

October to April Winter 

With Autumn and Spring thrown in 

You are forgiven Petruchio