In a Tent

My wife and I were camping

On Thistledown Common

We were snug and naked

In our joint sleeping bag

Our aim was to photograph

Dawn breaking her night colour

And painting the skies passion

But that did not happen

As we were awoken by a helicopter

Which was hovering above us

The down draft blew our clothes

That had been drying on a line

Into the infinity of the future

To make matters worse motorbikes

Were being released on parachutes

High above us with a careless abandon

Rosy and I fled our tent in a panic

Fearing that these great machines

Would crush the life from our bones

As we were alone we did not cover our modesty

And were further amazed when the motorbikes

Changed into bicycles as they drifted downwards

It was then that we realised that we were not alone

As we were naked in the centre of a busy carnival

We made a run for our tent but it was being used

By a group of doctors dispensing vaccines pennyeach

A women smiled at me as she cycled past

And her husband enquired of the tattoo on Rosy’s bum

As it was an obscure quotation written in Early Latin

To add to our confusion my camera

Started talking to us both

It was recording all our images

Good and bad

A dream is a dream and only a dream

Our brittle alarm clock was earning its keep

And was slowly arousing us from our mysterious sleep

We were snug in each others arms but slowly dressed

And scrambled out of our lonely tent

Gasping at once at the morning light

That was so very beautiful bold and bright

Orange Blue Orange Blue Red Green and Gold