A Fluid Suicide Note

Feeling Under the Weather

What a fucking stupid way of describing feeling like shit.

I had a cold and it just hung on – many people I know have had similar bugs and have not moaned about them.

It was my turn which has fucked me off greatly

Fuck Fuck Fuck

I am a busy Joe but I could not face going out so I travelled into my interior which is not to be recommended.

I caught up with the movie Love and Death which I have always loved as I adore Russian Literature – actually I correct that statement as I adore literature and am lucky enough to be a decent poet.

Some movies make me laugh and this movie hits the spot along with Annie Hall.

Away from these and other movies I very rarely find a book that really excites me these days

Obviously there is a great deal of good fiction out there but I do find that a lot of it is repetitive and many poets I feel exist within their comfort zones which I find sad.

If I found myself doing this I would stop writing poetry on the spot.

It is your journey as much as mine

That is why I self publish.

My main aim to teach people to think and see and if my work does this then I am satisfied.

I do not chase recognition or to use the word very loosely fame.

That just bores me.

My talent if you can call it a talent is God’s gift to me and I can feel it each time I write .

A friend of mine one said to me that if I had not been a poet then I would have been an artist.

Somebody else noted that I write in vacuums as my poetry is very dreamlike.

Other people’s opinions.

These still humour me

This afternoon I might walk into the sea

It is very stormy at present
