Everything is Reality

The Bridge

I had not visited the bridge
for nearly twenty years

Its engineer had been dead for that time

I had married his wife after seeing her
from a rooftop nearby

She had given me a child
which I wished was his

But he never returned

I ran my hand over its swollen span
my desire was still strong

From where I stood I could see my child
a smaller bridge

Which now lay in ruins

After an hour I left the bridge
and continued my journey

I had accepted my punishment


The Gown

The wickerwork of your gown
lay rotting in the undergrowth

It is the home for many birds
fleeing from persecution

They displayed themselves to me
but I ignored their plumage

I will not make the same mistake again


The Beggar

As the night pursued me
a beggar vile in rags
asked for alms

I gave him none

He asked to accompany me
I ignored his request

He asked for food
I gave him bread

He asked for love
so I kissed him

At the inn he slept at the foot of my bed
like a dog

He was gone when I awoke

In the tray beside my bed
he had left some coins

This was my reality


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