Romane Bohringer Saved My Life

Hello Peter

Hello Peter

How are you

The field is quite chilly

But they have not shaved my coat

I have been depressed

But now I am okay



Are you still depressed

No I am okay

But it was not like that last month


I contemplated suicide

Did you take poison

No she was working

I went to the railway station as I intended to throw myself under a train

Did you



Because it was a strike day

What did you do instead

I am okay

I went to the cinema

What did you see

A building with bright lights

Some were neon others white

Did you see a movie

I saw an usherette

There was a French movie showing

What was it called

Foolish Love or something

What was it about

It was about the breakup of a family

But they did not really break up

They live in two separate apartments

Which are joined to each other

Sounds fun

They each live their own lives

Did it cheer you up

In a way

But I still wanted to destroy myself

And then a scene arrived

Which changed my mindset

The character that Romaine Bohringer played

Was in bed with another woman

I cannot remember the name of the other actress

They were having sex

My favourite

Mine too

What do you mean

Do not step on the beach


Because two mines have been reported


No I would imagine that they were metal

There was a sub story played in

That being

There are two gay guys living in a nearby apartment

They want to share their life with a child of their own

How sweet

Well both the women are seen chatting Apres Sex

It is a relaxed scene but Romane suddenly discovers that her friend wants to act as a surrogate

And the scene become funnier and funnier

Both the woman run upstairs to the gay guys apartment and hammer on the window

They are both stark naked

It must have been summer

Possibly but both Spring and Autumn days can be mild

I do not think that I had laughed so much in years and when I left the cinema I had made a decision not to destoy ,yself

Destroy yourseld you have spely it incorrectly

So have you

Well I walked towards the railway station and although the strike had been a pretend strike trains were still running

I stood on the edge of the platform

But did not jump

Train after train passed by

I was no longer depressed

I was Peter once more

This is why I decided to visit you

I am not a sheep

You are my oldest friend

I am only a year older than you Peter

Mike is five years older than us both

Mike is dead

So he is

He jumped under a train

Poor Michael

Was he depressed


He just did not really like this train that passed through the station once a day


Because it was pink

The train did not like him either

That is why it chopped him in half

I was quite cut up when I found out

So was he

Now that you are happy would you like to sleep with Hilda

Who is Hilda

My wife

You had a sister named Hilda

I know

Is she dirty

More than you can imagine

Does she work on a farm


Lead me to the barn my friend