Oh Fuck Fuck Fuck


I went to a wedding recently

That is nice

I caught the flowers of the bride

What luck


The next day I met Ralph at a bus stop

And now we are engaged to be married


My best friend died recently

How sad

He decided that he would attend his own funeral

That sometimes happens these days

How chic

He decided to treat it as a wedding and marry death

Rather like in the Ingmar Bergman movie

Although they did not play chess

Did it go well

Very well

Death shagged my sister

The ugly one


Someones has to

But as they left for a night of passion

The bride threw her bouquet over her shoulder

And like a cunt I caught it

I am flying out next week for a potholing holiday

In Borneo

And then I am jumping out of a plane

To raise money for the starving children

I am a very compassionate person

And do not deserve this



Would you keep your eyes on the road