Unauthorised Dream Poem

I was instructed by my companions

Not to record my dreams

As this was not permitted

The flower girl told me

That she was going to ride me to death

But I told her that I preferred

Sets of steps designed during

The Georgian Period

I was in the Magic City

It was New Years Eve

My phone battery was low

Because I had been recording

The beauty of the city

A storm was due

The skies were black

In the distance the rugby posts

Were majestic above the pitch

The were due to suffer a lightning strike

Which would destroy them

I felt for these rugby posts

The city was an inland city

In a landlocked country

But it had views to the sea

I sat on the harbour wall

And watched as a couple of kids

As they tried to recover a loudspeaker

From the sea

Scott Joplin’s Ragtime

I loved his music

As it was echoing around me

One of the kids sold me the loudspeaker

And for an hour I was Ragtime Bess

I will ride you to death said Sonia

That will not happen I told her

That is not Scott Joplin’s Ragtime

I began to gave my doubts

That is the Ragtime of Scott Hayden

Joplin died of Syphilis

Hayden died of Tubercolosis

That is how I can tell the difference

This made me unhappy

As although I liked the music

The urchins had lied to me

I threw the speaker into the sea

Where it was soon rescued by a tug

The Wonderful World of Shipping

I could hear the Ragtime

As the ships passed

But what of my companions

They would be worried about me

So I headed towards the centre of the city

The storm has broken

It was raining heavily

But I stayed dry

As you do not get wet in dreams

I was in the Georgian part of the city

The houses boasted large windows

And everything was quite symmetrical

I stood in front of the Georgian steps

That led up to the highest point in the city

They worried me as I was told that they were symmetrical

Whereas to the naked eye they were obviously asymmetrical

My phone rang my friends were coming to get me

They would meet me at the highest point in the city

The flower girl told me

That she was going to ride me to death

They found me dressed in her tatty clothes

An hour or so later dead quite dead quite dead