Holiday Memories (Samurai) Part Two

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Daily at 7:45

Matinees Wednesday and Saturday


My name is Joe

Samurai is still in prison

Your previous story was made into a movie

It was very successful

A sleeper

Low budget

Lots of female flesh

Beavers and all

A sure winner

I used to work with Mandy on the Guardian

How is she

Very happy

We are expecting

Congratulations Joe


Have you thought of a name


That is an unusual choice

It is quite a common name for a hamster



I thought that Mandy was heavy with child

No more than me

It is an easy mistake to make

Tell me about Mandy

Well she is rather tall like me

She is blonde

And has great tits and shaves her cunt as she finds it cleaner

I was asking about your relationship after she interviewed you

Well it was love at first sight

We went to Fuerteventura

I took her to the dunes

We spent two weeks naked

And really fell in love

So we also booked a holiday in Lanzarote

And that is where it all went wrong

Did you fall out with Mandy

No far from it

Nobody falls out with with Mandy

She is a peaceful person

So in your own time what happened

It was on the second day

Mandy and I were walking near the beach

When a couple of blacks approached us

What were your first thoughts

That they were Mormons or at least connected with an evangelist church

Were they




What happened

They tried to sell us some fake watches

I pretended that I did not speak French but that did not work

It was then that Mandy stepped in and said

Rape me but leave him alone and I do not want your fucking watches

Fuck off back to where you come from

In French



No Chinese

What happened next

Nothing but one of them called her a fucking white whore under his breath

In French


This provoked me and I was going to give him a piece of my mind

Nobody speaks to my English Rose like that

And then quick as a flash Mandy took my Samurai sword from me

What did she do

Studied the History of the Samurai



She sliced the cunts head off with one blow

Were you shocked

Yes very

As my Samurai sword was for ceremonial use only and was not to be used to decapitate illegals selling dodgy watches

If you read the Code of Honour it says that quite clearly on page twenty-eight

Describe your feelings

Well I felt erotic again as Mandy had fucked me so hard that she had almost inherited my dick

No not that Joe


What were your emotional feelings

I had none

The head had ended up in the seating of a burger bar but nobody had noticed it

What did you say to Mandy

I congratulated her on the dexterity of her stroke

It was superb I could have not bettered it in battle

Have you been to Hastings

That is a strange question Keith

Hastings is near Battle in Sussex

I know

Mandy was strangely calm as her Laura Ashley had some blood splatter

Blood is such a bitch to get out no matter what the adverts tell you

I will stop you there


Because my battery has run out

Replace it

No my battery has run away as it cannot stomach violence

Here is Mandy’s vibrator battery it should do

Does she use a vibrator

No I do

Okay lets catch up

You are standing opposite me

So I am

What were your thoughts

That the cops would arrive soon

The other illegal had run off

I was sure he was going to the cops

Did he



Think about it

Did the cops arrive


Who called them

A rather nice lady from Germany

As she found a head next to her table

Did it terrify her



Because she worked in the City of London

And wanted to get ahead in life

She was very ambitious

It was then that I decided to take the rap

Mandy was innocent

It was me

The cops finally arrived as there had been reports of homosexual activity on the beach

I confessed

To the homosexual activity on the beach

No I am not a faggot

I confessed to decapitating the illegal

What did they do

Not much

They took my name and address

And asked me why I had acted in such a manner

I told them the whole story

Did they arrest you


The captain said that I might go down

This I took very seriously as I have never gone down on a man in my life

Women yes but never a man as I am no faggot

I think he might have meant that you would go to prison

What did Mandy do

Not much apart from saying that she was going to move the tattoo of Jeremy nearer to her arsehole and was planning a likeness of me on her other butt cheek

I was so deeply in love

I would do anything for her

I would serve time for Mandy

To cut a long story short I was found guilty but I have the feeling that the judicial system was not that interested as they found these watch sellers a problem

During the trial I found out that forty-six of the said sellers had died at the hands of fucked off Samurai’s in five years

I plea bargained with the judge and ended up with two choices


Forty days in a women’s prison in Cadiz or painting the beach furniture on Paradise Beach

What did you choose

I wanted the death penalty

There is no death penalty in Spain

It was mostly abolished in 1978

Were you disappointed



Being a martyr appeals to me

What did you get

I was told to pick my punishment from a hat

Your ticket

Paradise Beach

How long

Eternity and a day

You are kidding

I am

A week and a day

A day for the murder

And a week for making a mess on the general area

Was it hard

That is a strange question as I have have never heard of erections in a court of law

No the painting of the beach furniture

It was great fun as they had decided to use primary colours that season

Red and Blue mainly and White

White is not a colour

I told them that

What did they do

Reduced my sentence by a day

I was helped by two urban terrorists who had assassinated ministers in various European countries

I learned a lot about beach furniture and the politics of terrorism

It was incredibly interesting

Did Mandy stand by you

No she was fucking the Home Secretary to gain my early release

Did she gain an early release for you

No the Home Secretary was more into buggering boys than buggering Mandy

How horrible for you

I agree

Did it work out in the end

Very much

Mandy returned to the island and we spent the rest of the summer painting the beach furniture in various resorts

We visited each of the Canary Islands

And of late have set up a business in Fuerteventura

So Oxford Circus was not really convenient for you

A little inconvenient but with the movie coming out

I thought it would be fun

Thank You Samurai


Thank You Joe


Oh I forgot one last question


Did Mandy have a likeness of you tattooed on her butt cheek

Yes it was very lifelike

Here are some photographs please ignore the explicit ones

May I have one

Be my guest

This one

Not a problem

She is such a gymnast

I will frame it for you

Mandy will sign it for you also

That would be lovely

Any particular message

Wet over you Cyril

I thought you were named Keith

Keith is my journalists name

Is Mandy Mandy’s real name


Although we all call her Maureen in the office
