A Village in South Devon

Dearest Jane

I hope this finds you well and that Sally is looking after you

Or rather you are looking after Sally

As you can guess I have arrived at my parents house

And have been rewarded by their continuing fine health

In the eight years since I was last here the village has changed little

Although if you look more deeply small changes can be noted

The village shop has since closed and is now a private residence

This said a community shop has been opened and it is very fine

The crows are still as noisy as they have always been

Numbers of students are attending the field studies centre

They are easily identified as they hold expressions crossing between boredom and awe

Only in future years will they realise how special these days were

When you were last here you remarked on the silence

That has not changed and if anything it is even quieter

I am greeted by everyone I pass and believe it or not some people even remember me

Mrs Peters still calls me Stuart as she has always done

It seems that only eight seconds have passed and not eight years

Another subtle change is that most of the properties are now owned either as second homes or holiday lets

This said I have noted that more people have actually retired here

There are locals (you can meet them in the pub) but one is lucky to pass them in any of the lanes.

The village is 100% white and is as English as they come

There are many who would consider this wrong but I disagree with them

If there was an influx of the wrong sort of people then it would change this village forever

One has only to see how the London suburbs have changed in thirty years

And this is sadly repeated throughout the country but there are many places such as this and thankfully they are still breathing

Long may this be the case

My father has noted that there is an unwritten rule down here where estate agents will discourage the sale of properties to the wrong sort of people

If they break this rule then their businesses might suffer

I would not have really believed this but why would my father lie to me

What I have also noticed is how I am slowing down without really applying the brake

This part of Devon is working its subtle magic

I am writing this mail from our blue room after a busy day

It is pitch black outside with only the light of this room illuminating the garden

Everything is the same although I believe the nights are even darker

I do wish you were here as I miss you as I always do when we are apart

Mum and Dad are so excited about the baby and whilst they understand your inconvenience they insist that we visit as soon as we can after the happy event

Mum said that we should consider purchasing a second home in the village but I am not so sure not through any idiotic political convictions but because I am not sure that we would use it for any length of time

Also with baby on its way our future is a little Stan and Jane fluid

Will close now as Mum is telling me that dinner is imminent

They still eat as late as they always have

Do look after yourself and give Sally my regards

That and kiss our baby goodnight

Always here and you can chat at any time

Sleep well Jane

I love you

Stan xxx