Thought (Country Lane)

My front window faces a country lane

I often study this lane

As I am told that life has changed greatly

But this lane has not changed

Is there anything more beautiful

Than this peaceful country lane

The word decline is often used

But do things actually decline

Farms are a good example

Updated methods of farming

Have actually enhanced the industry

From the seed drill and beyond

Yet many of these farms are now redundant

Because of the economic betrayals

Throughout the years

But have these farms actually declined

The answer is no as they now satisfy

Other uses whether residential or recreational

Or they just return to the fields of their birth

My country lane now is now used by motorised vehicles

Whereas in the past it was used by horse and carts

Is this a decline or a change of use I ask

Let us be clear about this when noting change and decline

These are totally different words and should not be confused

My lane does change four times a year

It is constantly moving

The lane declines and then it is reborn

Everything if you think clearly

Travels in circles without interruption

So do choose your words carefully

Before sharing them with others

These are my final thoughts