Amateur Japanese Poets

Tachihara Michizo

Nakahara Chuya

Hara Tamiki

Yagi Jukichi

Kawabata Bosha

Ishikawa Takuboku

Were all Japanese poets who died quite young

They are almost unknown in the West

I am a Japanese poet

I am an amateur poet

As I have never received payment

For my poems

I have no idea about the financial arrangements

Of the above poets during their lifetimes

They might have been paid

Or might have written

Out of love

As I do

I am not strictly Japanese

As my grandfather was an American

Therefore I have Eurasian features

Eurasian girls are some of the most

Beautiful in the world

It is a perfect mixture

Unlike other mixes

I am at home in Tokyo

I am at home in Paris

I am at home in New York

I am in your bed Riku

Please read to me

Before I sleep