
Have you noticed how doll like

Oriental girls are Stan

Yes they are very feminine

I was on the tube earlier

When three Japanese girls

Joined the train at Leicester Square

They were absolutely exquisite

Almost like porcelain dolls

How did you know that they were Japanese

Because I recognised the language

And the tallest girl was reading Mishima

I read Tolstoy but that does not make me Russian

You have told me on many occasions that some races are more beautiful than others

When I say races I mean that some women are more beautiful than others

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

That is absolute shit Jane

To me it is obvious that women from certain countries are more masculine than others

They possess masculine characteristics that no matter how they try to disguise them are quite apparent

I know where you are going Stan

Other people might find your views offensive

Tough I will not deny what is obvious

French women are more feminine than others


What about your beloved Italians

In my book they are as beautiful as French women

But whilst incredibly being incredibly feminine there is a slight difference

I find that there is a chic coolness in French women

And the Italians are so beautifully excitable

Generalisations Stan

I disagree

I am just looking at it from a wider perspective Jane

Beautiful women can be found in most countries


But whether you like it or not there are differences in body shape and in the way they are known to express themselves

And the masculine is never far from the equation

Stan you in my view are the kindest and gentlest man that I have ever known

But I can see why you upset people

They are just afraid of honesty that all

You are as honest as I am

But at least I have a filter

Filters do not exist

You must try not to hurt other peoples feelings

Then they should not look at their reflections

I am only but a reflection if you do not like what you see then turn away

On another subject Stan and please do hide your soapbox before I trip over it

What are your thoughts on Japanese and other oriental women

That they are very beautiful yet as you note resemble dolls

Walking dolls

There is



I think our baby kicked

Is it not too early

I do not have a clue

But it was a kick

Baby might have farted


Here place your hand on my belly

Can you feel anything

Not at present

There it is

Yes it was faint but I felt the movement

This makes me so happy

I feel many things are changing

Yes you are getting Baywatch boobs

I feel like a field that has overnight shed its winters coat and has since been covered by golden buttercups

I am the poet Jane

Do you think that we should begin seriously to make plans and decide what we want

The country cottage


I love London to bits but it stresses me in good and bad ways

It is not good to be stressed

Our jobs bring us stress

If I do the sums then we could keep this place on as our London base and buy a small cottage out in the sticks somewhere

That would be prohibitively expensive Stan

I was not going to tell you this but my father has promised me a great deal of money when he pops upstairs

But on my last visit he out of the blue asked me about our future plans

Did you share them with him


What were his thoughts

His thoughts were quite logical


Yes when he sold Bamford’s he made an absolute mint

I know

He knows that you and I have achieved so much in our lives in our lives so far and is proud of us

Yes we are in professions that will age and finally shred us into a thousand pieces

That is the knife under the velvet cloak Jane

That is why I dream of a country cottage

Blue Remembered Hills

You get rats in the countryside mice and all those creatures you cannot stand

And do not get me started on the spiders and ants

You are not putting me off Stan

I am a country lad I have seen many things

Rabbits cut in half by farm machinery


Yes you are a cuntry lad

I see it shining plain

So what did you father say

My father as I have said has settled on us a great deal of money on us

But to him it does not seem logical to wait

But what about the tax implications

You mean the politics of envy

Do not worry as these are under discussion

I am meeting my father and his accountant in Ludlow next month

I feel so happy Stan

But so privileged

What is privilege

An accident of birth

We have worked fucking hard

My dad has worked fucking hard

Nothing came that easily

Yes the road was not as bumpy as it might have been

But we are all driven

Unlike many people

We swim against the current

I would settle on my children

That is no crime

Although the malignant amongst us might see it that way

So the rough plan is for us to retain this apartment trains and all as it is our London base

It is so near to everything

And then it is for you to decide where you want to live and what you want for baby

Dad and I will do the rest

You will have no worries

Just enjoy your journey Jane