
Jane and I were sitting next to a small river yesterday

We were idly watching the infrequent punts pass by

Most carried the usual loads of tourists looking bored

But one attracted my attention as it had but a single passenger

A girl of tender years wearing a green summer dress

She was accompanied by an impossibly handsome punter

This rather agreeable girl was obviously in love

And this was betrayed by her reflective body language

A smile a rigid lower jaw hands on the knees thighs subtly apart

Leaning forward leaning back hand in the water hand on the punt

It was an enjoyable theatre and I could see that the punter

Was aware of her actions especially the more erotic ones

Then they faded behind the trees that hid the rich gardens opposite

This put me in mind of my early days with Jane when we visited a pet shop

I was looking at a tedious puppy when I noticed Jane stroking a beautiful rabbit

From my station I could see up her dress and it was obvious that she was naked

Without being fixed I looked for a while enjoying God’s bounty and fell in love

Although I could not determine the state of the river girls under dress

Her body language was mostly playful and the punters eyes seemed full of light

It was as if cupid had been at work in this magical city once more without form