The Lannocks End Haunting

In the final months of 1938 there emerged reports of young woman

Acting strangely at the northern end of the platform

At Lannocks End railway station in Hertfordshire

She was frequently noted as being distressed

And appeared to be casting unknown objects on to the line

There were numerous sightings which aroused the interest

Of George Gordon Palmer the famous ghost hunter

He interviewed some of the members of the station staff

Who had claimed to have seen the woman

However their descriptions varied so much as to cause doubts

And as there had been no more sightings Palmer soon returned home

He by his own admission quickly forgot about Lannocks End

That was until the winter of 1961 when a mummified hand

Was found when the platform was being resurfaced

It was later identified as being from a woman of about thirty years

At the time of the gruesome discovery the immediate area

Was searched for other remains but none were found

Although by now retired George Gordon Palmer again took an interest

And took rooms nearby so he might investigate further

He would sit at the end of the platform where the sightings had occurred

But as with his previous visit he neither saw or heard anything unusual

That was until the final day of November when he witnessed

Something that shook him to his core and made his name

He had as normal been sitting on the platform between eight and ten

It was a bitter night and was snowing heavily which hindered visibility

Palmer who was beginning to become quite chilled was packing his equipment away

When he realised that he was not alone

I will let his diary take up the story from here as it is more detailed than my sparse account

At about half past nine just after the London train had left I decided to call it a day as I was fearfully cold

I was just closing my bag when I became aware that someone was nearby

This did not alarm me as even at this late hour I would be asked questions about my purpose

I turned around and to my alarm and encountered a woman who was at least eight feet tall

She was facing the track and as previously reported appeared to be littering the line

At first I did nothing as I was amazed by the height of the woman which far exceeded my knowledge

She then turned to face me and to my horror I saw that she had no eyes

Only her empty sockets stared at me without sight

I further noted what appeared to be tears flowing from the blind cavities

In the distance the Night Mail had sounded its whistle and through the blizzard I could clearly see its white light

The woman did nothing until the Night Mail was upon the platform

She then jumped under its screaming wheels

The crew of the train had obviously seen little as there was no application of brakes as it passed through the station

I have to admit that I had shielded my eyes but when I lowered my hands there was nothing to be seen

The snow of the platform was untouched and there were no traces of any impact or footprints apart from my own

It was as if she had never existed

I considered that my imagination had fooled me or that I was hallucinating but discounted both as I was so very cold

It was then that I saw a movement in the snow between the lines and to my absolute disgust I saw that human eyes was staring at me

At first there was only one but within seconds I had counted twelve moving around like ants in a nest

As the church clock struck ten the Manchester train roared into the station which distracted me

Maybe as I wanted to experience the ordinary I watched it pass

And then I saw something so awful that I was instantly sick

The giant woman was pressed up against a window in the sixth carriage and was emitting a savage scream

There was a look of absolute horror on her face as she had been torn open with her internal organs exposed

In all my years as a ghost hunter I had never witnessed anything so vile

I found myself on my knees

As almost in prayer

In time I composed myself and left the platform as I felt that I had witnessed a great evil

I felt that I had witnessed Satan himself

Over a week passed before I could work up the courage to return to the station

I did so during daylight hours but found nothing

There was nothing that indicated a collision had taken place

Nor was there a nest of eyes between the lines

I left the area later that day and soon started to investigate the history of Lannocks End

There were no reports of giants in the area or incidents at the railway station save for the 1938 reports

I drew a total blank although I did write what turned out to be a best selling account of my experiences

This I regretted straight away as I soon began to notice a giant figure moving around my garden orchard when the light was lost

My haunting has since lost its pace

But I am sure it will return

As I never feel totally alone