The Eclipse The Grape and Two Moons

TomTomTrixieTom sat on the hill with his wife TomTomTrixieTom

They were awaiting the eclipse with many others on the hillside that over looked the bay

The professionals had brought splendid cameras which were all pointed in the direction of the morning sun

TomTomTrixieTom and his wife had only their camera phones with them but these small objects were much more powerful than the many cameras that surrounded them

There was a sense of anticipation as the moon began to move into the path of the sun

The only problem was that an imaginary moon had begun to reveal itself in the distance

Only TomTomTrixieTom and his wife were aware of this fact and they knew that they would to act fast otherwise the promised spectacle would be reduced to a farce with the two moons fighting for attention

We will have to bribe the imaginary moon again as we did last time. I hope it is not difficult

Shall I go, I think it likes me or it gives the impression that it does?

Can you see the moon as I have lost it?

It is over there hiding in the clouds

The hollow sound of a fog horn sounded from a ship at anchor in the bay which was a little strange as the day was sunny and clear apart from a few clouds

I think they may have spotted the other moon. Go with haste to the top of this hill and try to drive a bargain with it. Do whatever is necessary I will keep an eye of things down here

TomTomTrixieTom walked up the hill trying not to draw attention to herself. From the corner of her eye she could see the imaginary moon begin to peek out from behind the clouds

As she reached the brow of the hill and when her breath returned she began to seek the imaginary moon which had hidden itself

The ship in the bay sounded its foghorn again

Why do you follow each other as only one of you will extinguish the sun?

There was no reply and TomTomTrixieTom began to wave her arms wildly in the air

I am holding my camera phone and will take your likeness if you do not speak to me

Again the imaginary moon did not reply

I will give you one more chance moon

As she looked down the hill TomTomTrixieTom became aware that there was a little disquiet below. She wondered if the imaginary moon had revealed itself to the many on the hill as it had to the ship in the bay

The imaginary moon suddenly became visible

Cover yourself immediately have you no shame

Then cover yourself

I am covered

You are naked in my light

Then return to your refuge

I will not

And with this statement the imaginary moon began to move rapidly towards the real moon

I will reward you imaginary moon

I ignore the vanity of personal possessions but I will accept a story

I know no stories

Tell me the story of the grape

Only if you return to the cloud

The imaginary moon slowly and with a sulk returned to the cloud and as it did so it glanced at the real moon which was beginning to obscure the sun

I will find it difficult to read my notebook as the light dies

That is your problem

TomTomTrixieTom put her glasses on and pulled a scruffy notebook from her pocket

I have always liked you in glasses

Be quiet imaginary moon your lust is misplaced

The imaginary moon hid behind the cloud but at such an angle that only TomTomTrixieTom could see it from her high vantage

A grape lay in the road it knew that in time it would be squashed but the fate was far from its consideration as it relaxed in the sun

A traveller, a poet of the roads came into view and the grape calculated that it would be squashed under the man’s sturdy boots as she lay directly in his path

As the traveller came close the grape tensed itself but the man’s journey slowed and he stopped a short distance from her

He leaned forward and picked up the grape

Better to be eaten than squashed thought the grape as the traveller examined the fruit

Gentle creature I will neither eat you nor crush you. I will place you in the fertile fields near to this road where you will end your days. But before then you will enrich the soil and your seeds will create a vineyard

Hastened by the sun your grapes will create a special wine which will be celebrated in this country and many others

The traveller then placed the grape in a meadow near the road and continued on his lyrical journey

In time the grape withered and died in the special meadow but not before it saw the beginnings of the promised vineyard

TomTomTrixieTom looked up in the direction of the imaginary moon and saw it disappearing into the distance. She looked at the real moon which was now covering the sun and watched the many camera’s as they flashed below

As the sun came into view again TomTomTrixieTom started to descend the steep hill and she soon found her husband as many of the people who had witnessed the eclipse had left the hill and were walking towards the bay in procession

Even the ship with the loud foghorn was sailing away

Was the imaginary moon as difficult as it normal?

Very much it wanted to see me naked again

Did you?

No don’t be silly once is enough

What did you do?

I told it the story of the grape

With your glasses on?

With my glasses on

And what did it do?

It listened and then moved rapidly away

I am not sure the people here really understood what was going on.I believe many saw the imaginary moon but it confused them perhaps they thought it was the reflection of the real moon I hope so

Did you get many photographs of the eclipse?

Yes about a dozen

Did you take any photographs?


Only one I was quite busy up there

As her husband stood up a notebook fell onto the damp grass

TomTomTrixieTom picked up the notebook and handed it to her husband

Were you taking notes?

No I was writing a short story

How interesting what was the story called?

I called it The Eclipse The Grape and Two Moons

Then you shall read it to me tonight when we are relaxed in front of the fire

It would be my pleasure





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