Ticok & Fanny

Your somewhat aberrant behaviour

Requires an explanation Fanny

Why I was only expressing what I felt

You stamped on the sandcastle

The child was quite upset

This child had just killed a crab

I rather like crabs Arthur

Was it cannibalism

Not exactly I cannot be sure

Here is the description of cannibalism

It was written by Hans Staden in the middle of the sixteenth century

He travelled to Brazil and was captured by the Tupinamba people but in time escaped from them

You are holding his True History: An Account of Cannibal Captivity in Brazil

Come back to the beach tonight when the sun is low and give me your thoughts Fanny

As you cannot go around destroying sand castles

Is this a poem for two voices


Male or female

I am not fussy



It does not really matter as the poem is fluid

Have you written a fluid poem before

No this is my first attempt