Subterranean Light/Subterranean Friends

Hi Josie

As you know I have been travelling of late

Hence my silence

Apologies for that

Although I love trains

Many of my journeys are hot tedious and dull

It seems for my sins

That God has condemned me

To travel with his nondescript people

This said I enjoyed both London and Bath

And once when very tired imagined

You topless in my generous hotel bed

Wearing your glasses

And reading a newspaper

When my many letters are published

I am sure that there will be those

Who will think that this

Is an improper thought

As you are my only sister

But as I have said to you before

You have the most beautiful breasts

Like many the hot weather makes me horny

I am sure you are the same

It is all down to the softness and comfort

That these long drawn days bring

The dampness the sweat and the heat

And the light of the many colours multiplied

Breaking here this brings me to the point of my letter

As when in London I found a wonderful kinetic tunnel

That runs between St Pancras and Kings Cross

It is a subterranean wonder to behold

The colours vivid travel slowly along the walls

And one is at once part of this kinetic light display

I actually kicked off my loafers and walked barefoot

As the passage was so cool to the touch

I had retired from the madness of the railway stations

If only for the short time that it look me to walk its length

The next time we are in London

I will introduce you to this installation

Joe also stumbled on a subway painted blush pink

But being an idiot and rushing I forgot to note its location

Whether it was a temporary but welcome advertising stunt

It is hard to tell as I was running to catch an invisible train

Again we will look out for it as soon as we are together again

I ran into Clive when on the tube

He and Mary are together again

Christine is a history locked away

He is painting once more

And is sending me print of his 2021 work

A Masterclass of Disobedience

Which I will hang in my apartment

I think you will like it and its use of colour

But that will not be for a couple of months

As they are travelling for a while

This letter is far too long Josie

But I am on a railway station

In the middle of everywhere

Waiting for a cancelled train

I will give you a call when I root again

Then perhaps we can meet

For drinks as soft as your skin

All my poems are in the normal place

Do not hate them too much

Or if you hate them

Tell me that you love them


Unedited Joe