Interview with Joe

How long have you been a border guard Joe

This is my second year

Why did you volunteer to be a border guard

That is simple as there are those

Who would want to invade our pastel city

They have no reason to be here

As our city has been successfully

Built up over many decades

We have created our own happiness

Free of greed and exploitation

Joe how do you stop these people

We reason with them

Does that work



I hate to say this

But these people are so focused

On their invasion

That they do not listen to reason

Which is sad as we are very reasonable people

What happens next

The invaders are informed that they are placing themselves in danger


They are placing themselves in danger as lethal force might be used

Lethal force Joe

That we might employ our weapons

I notice that you have a lilac rifle

Yes I chose it myself

Sandy and Hark have lime rifles

Have you ever discharged your rifle

Yes on many occasions

Were people hurt


Are you saying that you have shot people


Were they killed

Yes I am an accurate shot

So are all the guys here

How do you feel about this

How should I feel

How do you equate this with God

I know that he will understand

It does not make me happy

But is important that the city is not polluted

Are your security measures effective Joe


It is very quiet most of the time

But this can lull us into a sense of false security

And when our guard is down the obvious will happen

Do you feel sorry for these people



They have nothing Joe

We all started with nothing

Not so many years ago this area was just desert

Then our fathers and their fathers came and built the foundations

We are the the children of these visionaries

These people have nothing at all that is why they look elsewhere

They had everything but frittered it away through corruption and over breeding

We started in a desert and as you can see the conditions were pretty basic

These invaders I believed had a higher starting point but did not progress

They did not even plateau but went backwards very quickly

How do you see things maturing Joe

I have great hope for the future as we are doing a lot of things correctly

I would rather be sitting in a coffee cafe with you Mike conducting this interview

But I cannot do that at least for the present

Other cities have failed you know

Failed badly

They became unsafe

Violence was not uncommon

Women could not walk the streets after dark

Cultures alien to us became the norm

This failure became apparent but it was too late

That will not happen here

It will definitely not happen here

In time our actions will enter the books of history

Our tasks will be complete

We will reach out to these people and offer them help

We are not monsters Mike

Far from it

You are welcome

Please if you have time join my family for an evening meal

I will thank you very much Joe

If you like I will take you to the airport

As it takes a little time to become accustomed to the heat

What hotel are staying at Mike

The Aqua Marine