Along Country Lanes

In these days of confusion when endless debates take place about shattered vacuums I have found a few words written by Rumi over eight hundred years ago

I thought I would share them as they might enlighten your thoughts and enable you to see the complete circle

What are you writing Stan

The introduction to a brochure that we are releasing soon

May I read it


Who is the brochure aimed at

Our customers

Your customers


I think that you might upset some people

I hope I do

What axe do you have to grind this week

I feel that I am working for people without vision

They ask me to write comfortable things

Well within their zones

It is because that I write well

I am articulate and my content demands attention

On many occasions I have made my thoughts clear

But they are as blind as cave fish

I have feeling that they are going to lose you in the near future

It has crossed my mind Jane

Why is it that when you are driving along main roads

That you have such an interest in country lanes

I think that you know the answer to that question Jane