The Revenge

I still have not forgiven you Stan

That is why I purchased your favourite perfume

Riots of Paris

Funny Stan

Present it to Marie Ange

I only said that she was like a fine wine

How do you think I feel

Every time you go to France

You come back or even if I am with you

Telling me how beautiful and feminine French women are

They are


That hurt

Stan abuse I think

That was a shitty joke Stan

I tried to make it special for you and you took the piss

It was very special you should have seen my recording

Which I might say ended up as a train journal

I thought it was an ICE train from Germany

Do you know that I went from hero to zero in a few seconds

I felt intensely stupid

Baby moods

Stan if you want to die then I swear

I cried a little

Women in your condition are emotional


It occurred to me that I might have been filmed

I think you were judging by the number of phones

So I checked the internet and the trash newspapers

Who I reasoned had grown tired of perverted television presenters sending and asking for dick pics from underage boys

And I was next

The Gender Reveal Nude

I could see the headlines

Each day whilst you were away I went to Smiths

To buy The Sun and all its pals

And later on I waited for the Evening Standard

But nobody was interested in me

Even Tik Tok was quiet


But that does not let you off Stan

As you were the Cunt of Cunts

So I punished you

Not my book of French actresses


My train set

Much worse

Then what

Do you remember your jolly to the England game last month


You each received a signed football or at least it was signed by those who could write

It was a lovely gift much appreciated



If you look out of the window what can you see


Do not be clever Stan as you are on thin ice


Oh I see you want to play hardball

Look at the lines below our apartment

What do you see

Railway lines


Oh there is a football there

One of the kids must have kicked it over the fence

You know as well as I do there are no kids who play football around here

No fucking space

You did not kick my England football on to the track did you

No I used DHL

Jane that is an awful thing to do

And yours was not awful Stan

But I forgive you Jane

It was only a possession

A much loved footy possession

But a possession nonetheless

God says forgive those who sin

I will not get another one you know

Shit happens

Baby Brain

If you say Baby Brain once more you will join the football

Hold this bag idiot

What is in it

You will find out in time

A present

It is not a present Stan

Just think of it as the High Ground

Where are we going


I need a fucking coffee

Good idea

No more Stan

Be nice

I am nice

Remember your last coffee shampoo

Do not forget the bag

Oh yes

Silly me