
Hegel said

That Africa has no history

And was outside of the historical process

What makes you say that Joe

It is in this book

What book

This book

You are holding a sheet of paper

Light blue in colour

Violet ink is so beautiful

Is this your creation


I quote

Africa is not among Hegel’s four cultures or civilisations

From Hegel’s perspective

Africa is said to be unhistorical

Africa is said to be unhistorical

An undeveloped spirit still involved in the conditions

Of mere nature devoid of morality religions and political constitution

Do you believe that Joe

Having never visited Africa why should I have an opinion

I was born in Africa Joe

Where is Africa Joe

Near Sutton Joe

Where is Sutton Joe

Next to Africa Joe

Do you have an opinion Josie

I used to have one

But I have forgotten my thoughts



Who is Hegel

Who was Hegel

He was a German philosopher

Have you read any of his work

A few pieces that’s all



Are there any African philosophers

Not that I have heard of

But there must be African philosophers



What are you writing

An account of this conversation


Because somebody somewhere might care

To read this nonsense

Then again they might not