The Red Sea



Can we have one of our chats


On the table



You have been very quiet recently


You are in one of your deep moods

I know

What is troubling you

Do you really want to know


I am troubled by my thoughts

What thoughts

As you are aware there have been a number of migrant drownings recently

The whole thing is so sad

That is where I differ

I think I know what you are going to say


There was a sinking in the channel yesterday and far from being shocked

I felt happy and wished more had perished

I am so angry that this country of ours is being contaminated by these creatures

I think that many share your views

Indeed I was in a church last week when I overheard one of the wardens expressing his true feelings to a friend

They were in a way similar to yours

Possibly not so visceral but you share the same highway

That is what I find so strange about us as we are the children of the English Church

We sin frequently or at least in God’s eyes and if our parents ever found out it would hurt them greatly

But I feel that God cares for us

We are both good people Josie

Sometimes I feel that we are God’s Warriors as strange as that might seem

God speaks to us constantly

Do you agree

Very much

Yet it is his very silence that troubles me

I know that he is speaking to me but I cannot hear him

Do you think that God punishes sinners


It happens constantly

But he is a loving God

Do we understand love

If you cast your mind back to the AIDS epidemic

Much was made of it at the time

But when you strip it down it was bad blood

And mainly affected faggots and those who fucked around

Many people saw it this way

How many gay girls suffered the disease

In my limited room I was not aware of any

But it was popular within certain races

It mainly affected those of many partners

As if it was a punishment

But others suffered Joe

They were contaminated by the bad blood

Even more recently there has been another pox

Very similar but a bit less deadly than AIDS

Can you not see God’s message

Then why are we not punished Joe

Because ours it a pure love Josie

We have to keep it quiet

But that is because of social values

We will obviously remain childless

That might even be our punishment

Who knows

Compare that to the gay lifestyle

Fucking around

I will not call it sex as it is not sex

It is bestial and nothing else

Fucking like rabid dogs

That is why God chose to punish them

But that does no lie with the migrant deaths Joe

It is not God’s fault as these fools

Place themselves in danger

It is like standing on a motorway

One is going to be hit by a car

Some are fleeing wars

That is the current lie

These people are just leeches

Who will suck the blood

Of decaying countries such as ours

These are the columns of ants

Devouring all before them

They over breed and ruin their own countries

Through corruption and other diseases of the mind

These are runaway trains

I think we should stop here Joe

As I am washing your white robes

Funny girl Josephine

Do you think we are blessed Joe

I am not the one to answer that question

Ask God Josie

Ask God

I have no answers