A Girl named Riley Frank

What is your name

Riley Frank

Are you related to Anne Frank

She was my Great Aunt

What inspired you to write a book about her

Because I wanted to tell the truth

There have many books written about Anne

I agree and very good books too

But they missed something very important

What was that Riley

It was said that she walked around barefoot

For obvious reasons

But that is partially untrue


Would you look on that table

What do you see

A pair of red clogs

They look quite old

Do you know who they belonged to

The last owner

That is partially correct

Please be more specific

Did they belong to Anne


She had small feet

Were they left to you

No I accept both left and right

It was because of these clogs

That poor Anne was captured

As she liked nothing better

Than walking around the apartment

Wearing her red clogs

Which against wooden floors

Made a considerable noise

How tragic

It is not true

Then why did you mention it in your book

Because I wanted to make a name for myself

Do you realise that you have wasted my time Riley

It was a humour

It was not a humour

It is far from funny

I found it very funny

I thought that it was quite inventive

I do think that you need to see a shrink Miss Frank


You are missing the point entirely Miss Newton


What is your first name


You are missing the point Trevor

I am going to conclude this interview

That is up to you but hear me out

Make your point

The point is quite clear

I have written a detailed book about my Great Aunt

It is a generous exploration of her short life

But you lied

You insinuated that Anne was captured

Because she wore those red clogs

I purchased them at a local market

They never belonged to Anne

You are very cruel Riley

I am leaving

Do so then

But you will miss the point

What fucking point

It was deliberate



Do you read many history books


Are some of these books on subjects such as colonialism and slavery


Do you believe them

Most are well researched

They are not well researched

Most of what is written is false

It is false history

I do not agree with you

That is your choice

If one of these books told you that two and two equalled five

Would you believe them



Because two and two equal four

Then why do you believe certain books

That are when stripped down

Just false histories

I think I can see your argument

You have written something that you know to be untrue

Just to illustrate this point

By using a humour

That was my intention all along

Will you own up

Not straight away

I will let people attack me as you have

And then I will show them my hand

And then my fat arse

With the words


Written in black ink

This will be my only book

My next book will be ghost written by you

I am not a ghost writer

I am a journalist

We all ghost writers Julie



You will pen my posthumous autobiography

Are you planning suicide Riley

Not sure


I have not decided yet

If I do then you will be the first to know