
Nobody has called me Sir in a long time

What is your name


And yours

Jennifer but people call me Jenny

I like to read poems to people I meet in the street

The streets are my home

I am sorry to hear that

Have been for thirty years

Since Martha died

Then may we share a meal later

Are you from a church Miss

I am part of a church yes

But I read poetry to people I meet independently

I will accept your invitation of the meal

As I have not really eaten for a couple of days

Just the out of dates from the stores

I used to eat at the Louis Diner but he is in hospital

Was he a friend of yours

Yes we were in Nam together

I watched his brother die

We kinda bonded

I watched his back he watched mine

Louis is a good man but he is very ill

I try to visit him

But I cannot afford the fares

So I pray for him right here in front of the store

But Miss you said that you wanted to read a poem to me

I would like to read a poem to you Seymour

Who wrote it that Shakespeare fellow

No Djuna Barnes

Never heard of her

She is not all that well known

Here where the trees tremble with your flight
I sit and braid thin whips to beat you down.
How shall we ever find you who have gone
In little dresses, lisping through the town?

Great men on horses hunt you, and strong boys
Employ their arrows in the shallow air.
But I shall be heard whistling where I follow
Braiding long wisps of grass and stallion’s hair.

And in the night when thirty hawks are high
In pendent rhythm, and all the wayside loud;
When they are burning field and bush and hedge,
I’ll steal you like a penny from the crowd.

I must say I like it but do not understand it

You read it so well

Is it your favourite poem

It is one of many poems I love

Seymour you are a good man

As good as many Miss

Before we eat I am going to give you an envelope

It contains a number of dollar notes

Why me

Why not

If you like then share it with somebody else

Who is down on their luck

That is up to you

Whether you do there is enough to visit your friend

And enough to tide you over for a while

I ask again why me

Because I like to share my happiness that’s all

God has given me so much

So very much

I used to be on the streets like you

Look at my arm what do you see

Junkie scars

I was in the gutter and God rescued me

And I made it my mission to help those

Who are now less fortunate than me

But enough of that Seymour

Lets eat

Where do you suggest

Well the Catcus Grill is a good place

Then it is the Catcus Grill