My Mother is a Rock Star

This is a story of an assassin

Which is very personal to me

My mother is a famous rock star

She is adored around the world

I am a nobody and I like it this way

As I can exist in the shadows

In a recent music video my mother

Dressed herself as a belly dancer

You can see her cesarean scar

If you look very closely as she performs

This is where I entered the light

Just over twenty-one years ago

Tomorrow I am going to assassinate

A much hated politician for his malignant views

My rifle is in position and primed

His head will explode on impact

As my angry bullets rip through their target

I will hear the news in Berlin

This piece of filth recently attended

My mothers only London gig

I saw him there with his sycophants

Her costume revealed the cesarean scar

I wonder if he as he watched my mother perform

Even vaguely realised that the child

That entered the world via that bloody door

Would shortly be sending him screaming into Hell