
I have a very important job in the City

And a lifestyle to match

But it is an empty lifestyle

And I hate every second of it

But my spirits have been lifted

As I have recently discovered

The best Nihilist Toilet in London

I discovered the poetry by accident

As I was feeling unwell

After a heavy night out

And had stumbled into the toilet

The walls of cubicle six

Were a wonder to behold

Here is recent poem

Which I will share

The Violent Ones

I saw two drunks sitting at a bus stop

Which irritated me as I despise drunks

But I ignored them as the hour was late

I could smell these drunks from a distance

So I turned turned my head away

Yet I had time to notice that one of them

Was wearing a yellow print dress

This immediately aroused my anger

As the whole idea of men

Wearing dresses sickens me

I was about to return to my car

To get my trusty basesball bat

When the smaller drunk spoke to me

He was not a pervert dressed as a women

But a women dressed as a decaying angel

She had no Adam’s Apple visible

Which was a sign of my pathetic mistake

I told the pair to wait and walked to a nearby off license

Where I purchased three bottles of cheap whisky

I gave the bottles to the grateful drunks

Who were too pissed as to understand my false charity

As you might guess I did not do this out of goodness

But just to aid their rapid journey into an Irreversible Hell

Under the poem the name Norman is mentioned

Norman is likely to have been the poet

There are other nihilistic poems in cubicle six

But none as good as this brutal poem

In a way these works cleanse me

They should not cleanse me but they do

If my life of lost content this is quite rare

So I will not question it