The Summer of 56

Hierro the most westerly of the Canary Islands and has an area of about 109 square miles and a population of 8182

During the summer of 1956 this did not increase to 8186 as we did not visit Hierro choosing to holiday in Hove instead

I have never visited Hierro

We passed the Guayarmina Thermal Hotel (80 Rooms)

Superb location situation situated some 1400 feet above sea level and only 50 kilometres from Las Palmas

We were staying at the Hotel Madrid which was situated in the main part of the town

As I unpacked you ignored my employment and sat on the balcony

On the adjoining balcony another couple also enjoyed the sun

I was doing time in forty-nine

Why was that what was your crime?



Yes in mainland Spain

I was easily caught

Oh what a pain

Why are hiding here in this hotel?

I am planning a robbery which I hope goes well

On the other balcony two survivors of Hiroshima sat quietly watching watching the sail birds circle

The man was aged about forty-five but looked much older

He handed me a monochrome photograph

It had been taken about ten kilometres from Hiroshima on the day the bomb was dropped and it caused me to detain my thoughts

The image was so ordinary with three men casually looking up at the bomb cloud as if it was a nearby storm

They seemed to be in the yard of a small factory

There was a tree to the left which betrayed the hint of a breeze

The telegraph pole was static

The three men you see in the photograph are now dead the radioactive cloud claimed them in the following years

I was on the outskirts of the city when the bomb was dropped

Are you ill?

Yes like them I am ill this is my last holiday

Is that your wife?

Yes we often travel to these islands

They are quite beautiful

And the other man?

He is a musical thief

I would like to meet him

Perhaps he can steal the life I have remaining to me and sell it back at a profit

We can share the proceeds one to one

Most of what is of interest in the northern half of the island may be seen in the course of a full day trip

The road from Arrecife passes through the village of Tahiche which is not far from San Miguel de Teguise

It was once the principal village of the island but is now of little account

The main church which was called Iglesia de San Miguel had been previously damaged by fire but had been rebuilt in the early part of the last century

The figure of the Virgin over the High Altar was once stolen by an impious Moor whose flight was intercepted by a large dog and the image was recovered

A small painting at the foot of the Virgin shows the dog at the throat of the Moor and the scar over the Virgins left eye is said to have been received during the struggle

The Moor was thrown from highest cliff and was smashed on the rocks beneath whilst the good dog was also murdered so that the church could hasten its sainthood

Why do you think they built two hotels on this beautiful beach?

Many strange things happened in the 1970s

One has a great vantage of the dunes

Fuerteventura is more sparsely populated than any of the other Canary Islands and is less productive

It is only separated from the Sahara Desert by sixty miles of sea

Shall we walk naked in dunes?

Are you not happy sitting here in the balcony?

The island although suffering from a shortage of water produces substantial crops of sisal tomatoes potatoes and wheat

Its hottest months are from July to September

I feel I want to walk naked into the sea

I want to visit the tiny drinks hut hidden in the dunes and share a glass of orange juice with you

I want to hold your penis as we walk and feel it grow in my hand

Do you think the survivors of the atomic bombing are still alive?

It is hard to tell

What about the musical thief?

It was so many years ago I would imagine that all the people in our hotel are now dead

I wish they were immortals like us

I could drink this view for eternity

An elderly couple appeared on the balcony next to them

Good morning

Good Morning

Are you English?

No just immortal

Would you mind if Jean fellates me as I do not want to disturb you or your lovely wife

She is my sister but please go ahead

I must say she has the most beautiful cunt so wet and moist

I like it as it serves my needs

Lanzarote is the most easterly of the Canary Islands and is separated from Fuerteventura by the Bocayna Strait

The dunes were more tiring that I imagined as the shifting sand made walking difficult

My sister and I sat on one of the higher dunes quite naked an watched the traffic pass along the road that interrupted our view

A survivor of Hiroshima was sitting aboard a German coach wondering whether the polite Englishman and his lovely sister were still alive

I could stay here for the rest of my days

You would soon get bored

A small group of Scandinavians passed us

Why is there a fashion for shaved genitals?

A passing whim I imagine I do not know

Possibly it is cleaner how would you like me?

Would you like me to shave my cunt?

It is of no matter to me whether your cunt is hairy or shaven

We ran and half stumbled down the dune and after a little searching found the refreshment hut that my sister had previously mentioned

There was a surprising number of people near to the hut given that the vacancy of the dunes

Camels are largely used for transport

Rabbits whilst providing a certain amount of food are a considerable nuisance

We found a small table quite near to the sea

Two nuns passed fully dressed in their habits

I wonder if they are naked underneath

Ask them

My sister rose and walked towards the two nuns

At first she seemed to be having difficulty in communicating with them but soon she was in conversation with both women

There was much laughter

Initially they did not want to talk to me as I was an immortal but I soon achieved their trust with my stories of the Holy Land and yes they were naked under their habits as they had just pissed together

I thought so

That evening the survivor of Hiroshima flew over the island of Lanzarote

He wondered why the cancer that had eaten away at all his friends was dormant in him

As the aircraft changed its course he saw the two hotels on the dunes and wondered what had possessed anybody to build in such a beautiful place

Do you want to share my bath?

I have a surprise for you

Just a minute I am watching a jet liner change its course

I feel that it is going to the moon

It is your favourite soap


Yes lavender

I ran and jumped into the bath causing a great deal of water to splash onto the mock marble floor

You liar it’s lemon

I thought it would be lemon

That was all they would sell me in the shop

They will not sell lavender to immortals even on this island

It will have to do

Lemon’s are an attractive fruit

Puerto de Arrecife is the capital of Lanzarote and in 1955 had a population of 9121

Shall we see the albino crabs in the vast vast cave?

As long as you do not swim with them

That’s a deal

I sat reading a Bible as my sister spoke to the tiny crabs

There have only been two atomic attacks in wartime conditions and both these happened in Japan during the summer of 1945 

The musical thief said that another nuclear attack would finish off the world as we know it

Do not believe him my brother and I have fucked hard against nuclear weapons all our lives and there is nothing to worry about

He said that the eruption that created this cave were caused by a nuclear attack in the 1730s

That’s not true

What is your name?

I am my brother’s sister

He said that the blacks in Africa fired a missile at this island as they were  jealous of our paradise

No it was a volcanic eruption the musical thief was just causing a mischief

What is your name?


And yours?


I can see right up your dress from here why are you not wearing any underwear?

I prefer not to

You might get bitten there a number of savage flies on this island

That is a chance I must take anyway you should not be looking

Does your brother wear underwear?

It depends on his mood I am not sure whether he is wearing underwear today

We do not wear underwear

I should hope not as you are crabs

Some crabs partake but only after the cave is closed to visitors

Apartado 334 Santa Cruz Tenerife

Grand Hotel Parque

Hotel Mencey

Hotel Santa Catalina

Hierro the most westerly of the Canary Islands has an area of about 109 square miles and a population of 8182

During the summer of 1956 this did not increase to 8186 as we did not visit Hierro choosing to holiday in Hove instead

Did you enjoy your holiday in Hove?

No it rained all the time

What did you do?

Played chess masturbated read books but not necessarily in that order

Did you visit the Royal Pavilion in Brighton?


Did you like it?

No I found it boring


I disliked its architecture

Did it serve a good cup of tea?

No it was awful

You should have rung me as I have a great list of hotels on these islands that I would have emailed to you

emails did not exist in 1956


What did you read on your holiday that year?

Mostly Scott’s Historical Romances

Did you like them?

No they were fucking boring

Where did you go?



Because my parents were too tight to pay for a holiday but we were allowed to sit in the garden when the sun was high and pretend we were in Lee on Solent

Where was I?

Being immortal somewhere how I hated you for the freedom you were given

But it was shit for you also stuck in a fucking grotty hotel in Hove

The musical thief had joined the elderly couple on the adjoining balcony he was being fellated by the woman called Jean

I have given up my life of crime
all the blood all the grime
I am going to be good boy now
as long as I am fellated by this silly cow

The elderly woman glanced at my sister and I

Would you like me to fellate you?

No my sister has already done so

Are you sure as your cock is still erect?

I smiled at my sister who has a scar over her left eye

She was wearing loose virginal robes and was masturbating gently occasionally touching the tip of my erect cock

I had two Bibles in front of me and was reading both at once

My sister came quietly and took one of my Bibles from me and started reading it

The survivor of Hiroshima was waiting for his one surviving friend at an airport in northern Japan

But he learned that his friend had died the previous day from the cancer that had racked his body since the day of the explosion

After saying a short prayer on the rest room floor he booked a flight to Ivanhoe in Australia

Ivanhoe has a population of 200 souls

No one who was resident in Hove in 1956 had ever visited Ivanhoe

The musical thief had never visited Ivanhoe

The Virgin Mary made an appearance in Ivanhoe in 1961 but no-one took much notice so she left the small township and continued her journey along the Cobb Highway

She had hitched for nearly one hundred miles when a trucker stopped for her but as she climbed into his cab she slipped and cut her left eyebrow quite badly on his wing mirror

The generous trucker who was the son of Catholic immigrants took her to the nearest hospital (which was over three hundred miles away) where her face was stitched but due to the amount of time that had elapsed since the initial accident the wound left a scar which has remained on the face of the Virgin ever since

She often shared the scar with others and my sister was a lucky recipient

She was the only immortal to receive this honour

Little did my sister know (and I had never revealed this to her) was that I too had a scar which was hidden by my hair

This had been caused by an errant swing when  that had been swung towards me by the Virgin

It was a complete accident but nonetheless the Virgin awarded me with a scar which I was allowed to keep as long as I did not tell my sister

She loved her scar so much that my truth would have diluted her admiration of her wound

To this day I have not mentioned my scar

As my hair is thinning somewhat my sister has on many occasions suggested that I shoud shorten it

I have always resisted opting to keep my hair long

We leave for Madeira tomorrow to comfort some of the people affected the dreadful floods in and around Funchal

I should think that the situation of Madeira is the most enviable on the whole earth. It ensures almost every European comfort together with almost every tropical luxury. The seasons are the youth, maturity and old age of a never ending still beginning spring.




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