A Holiday on the Ile De Re

Vivianne Vesper was sitting on a beach on the Ile de Re

She was watching her friends running in and out of the wagon wag waves

The tide was retreating as it always did in the afternoon

Vivianne Vesper decided to chase her friends along the beach

But they ran into the shallows

She followed although she could not swim

Having never been taught to do so

She was knocked off balance by a large wave

And fell heavily into the sam sam sea

A merrymermaid helped her to her feet

Promising swimming lessons before the month was late

She thanked the mermaid and asked of her name

Mermaids do not have names

As she left the beach Vivianne Vesper passed a close friend also called Vivianne Vesper

They greeted each other and waved to their friends who were still in the sea riding long lost dolphins

When washing the sand from her feet under the beachside shower

Vivianne Vesper noticed that the water was running a ruby red

This was the result of the ultra-violet rays which were common on the island during the late summer months

The beachside showers were not normally troubled by the ultra-violet rays

Which surprised Vivianne Vesper

Her sister Paula Pat Pat Pat Pat Paul was walking along the lag lane that led to the beach

She was carrying a bottle of clear water

So that she could wash her feet and not transfer sand into her apartment

This was a habit of hers

Shared by many who lived on the island

When they are not in the sea mermaids adopt a human form and are not easily spotted in crowds

They can be betrayed by their saline odours but this is rare

There were many mermaids on the beach that day

Who when using the beachside showers would collect the sunlight in their gliss glass jars

Although an odd occupation this was accepted by all as it was understood that it was vital that mermaids were exposed to the summer light during the winter months as many did not migrate south

Vivianne Vesper looked at the Rai Rai Sea from the pith paath path

She had passed her sister

But had not spoken to her as they had had a disagreement about sea horses

Sisters often disagree about sea horses

Sea Horses are oblivious to disagreements of any kind

But dislike certain types of music

Paula Pat Pat Pat Pat Paul was surprised that the beachside shower was running a ruby red and began to search for the ultra-violet rays

She did not find a single one

She was joined by a mermaid

Who located the ultra-violet rays without difficulty

And within the hour the water was running clear

But in the Apartments Du Pen the showers were running a ruby red red

Mermaids can influence beachside showers

But have little experience elsewhere


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