Principles of Lust


May I call you Richard

My name is Peter

I have one question I would like you to answer

What is is it Detective Stokes

Why did you kill the mayor

Because he was a faggot

Did he offend you

All faggots offend me


Because they offend God

They are offensive feral creatures

But I did not kill Mayor Worth

Witnesses say you threw him from a window

There were no witnesses

His office was vacant

So what happened Simon

Were you in his office


Why did you go to his office

So that I could see the Ranger Mountains

Is there a view of the Ranger Mountains from his office


So why were you there

To tell him that I found his homosexuality offensive

Is that why you threw him from the window

I did not throw him from the window

The mayor jumped from his office window

Why did he jump

Because I told him that God no longer loved him

In fact God was deeply disgusted by him

What did he say

He did not reply

Tears started running down his face

He then asked me if there was any hope for him

I said no but added that if he became an angel

That God in time might consider forgiveness

I told him that if he jumped from the window

That angels would break his fall

And place him on the road to forgiveness

So you encouraged him to jump

No I just stated the facts

And then

He jumped

How did you feel

I felt nothing

Did you think that the angels would break his fall

That was up to God

Did you not feel guilty

No I am just the messenger

Have you done this before

Yes a thousand times

What are your motives

I am just the messenger

God created the world in his own image

And this is spoilt by homosexuals and other deviants

Matthew are you a deviant

No I just shop at the grocery store like other people

Does God speak to you directly


Does he speak to you Detective Stokes

I am asking you that question

No God does not speak to me

Do you love God


Would you do anything for God


If the mayor had not been gay would you have visited his office




You are free to go

Are you releasing me

You were never arrested

I will advise the desk

Why have you taken this approach Detective Stokes

Because I understand you

As I too am a Black Angel